Convert a Barn into a House - Your Ultimate Guide (2024)

With housing costs rising and construction getting more expensive, people are looking for alternatives. There are many ways to get your dream home built but not all of them will be accessible. That’s why it is becoming more and more popular to build something different and think outside the box. Converting a barn into a house is a great way to save some money on building and get a beautiful home.

Convert a Barn into a House - Your Ultimate Guide (1)

While converting a barn into a house may be a cheaper option, it also has its own set of challenges. Before you start a project like this, you should know everything about it that you can. In this article, we have put together a complete guide to converting a barn into a house. With a good understanding of the process, you can get the beautiful, unique home that you want.

Page Contents

Why Convert a Barn Into a House?

There are all kinds of reasons to convert a barn into a house but one of the most important is the easy construction. If the actual structure of the home is already in place, you can save money on framing and the foundation. These are some of the most expensive parts of building a home and using a pre-existing barn can help. While you may have to make some modifications and do some renovations, you can still save a lot of money when building a converted barn house.

The other big reason why someone would convert a barn into a house is the sustainability factor. Instead of knocking a barn down to build your home, you can salvage it and reuse the materials. With timber shortages in full swing all over the world, this is one of the most eco-friendly options. Plus, you get the patina and unique history of the barn built into your new custom dream home.

How to Convert a Barn Into a House

If a barn is already in place, all you will have to do is do some reframing and drywall work as well as flooring. Having the structure there gives you some excellent leeway when it comes to interior design and exterior renovations. With an existing barn, you most likely won’t have to pour a new foundation and can simply build the home around the structure. While this will still take some work, it will end up being a lot cheaper in the long run.

If a barn isn’t already in place, you can buy a barn kit and convert that into your home. Barn kits are made of steel and come in a wide variety of layouts and designs. With a little bit of modification, including interior drywall and insulation, they can be turned into a beautiful home. It should be noted that with this method, you will have to pour a new slab foundation, which can cost extra.

Cost of Converting a Barn Into a House

The cost of converting a barn into a house will vary depending on the size and where you are building. If, for example, you are building a little ADU in your backyard, it will be much cheaper than a 3-bedroom home.

In places like California or Texas, it will also cost more than in states like Iowa or North Dakota. In general, you can expect it to cost anywhere between $10 and $50 per square foot to do the conversion.

Some of the expenses that you can expect include:

  • Slab foundation: $4,000 – $12,000
  • Insulation: $900 – $2,000
  • Residential roofing: $5,000 – $10,000
  • HVAC: $5,000 – $10,000

You will also have to pay for things like permits and plans, which will vary in their cost.

Is it Hard to Turn a Barn Into a House?

Converting a barn into a house certainly isn’t easy and will have its own set of unique challenges. That being said, it isn’t necessarily any more difficult than building a house completely from scratch.

In fact, since you have the benefit of using an existing barn or a kit, you can save quite a bit of work. Whether you are doing the work yourself or having someone else do it, your construction time will be cut down significantly.

Convert a Barn into a House - Your Ultimate Guide (2)

One of the biggest challenges with converting a barn into a house is going to be making it liveable. Putting up the actual structure is easy, but the inner framing and drywalling can be tough. That is why it’s so important to have professionals work on the things that you aren’t confident in. Working with a builder who has experience in converting a barn into a house will help you overcome these challenges.

What is it Called When You Turn a Barn into a House?

There are a few different names for barns that have been converted into a house. One of the most popular is a barndominium and most of the time, you will see them referenced as such. This is a portmanteau of barn and condominium, and it has roots back to the 1980s when they were first made. While living in the same area as your barn isn’t new, converting a barn into a barndominium with a house floor plan is relatively modern.

One of the other popular names for converted barns is shouse. This is usually reserved for homes that are built into the same building as a large shop. Generally, if you build a residence attached to a barn or shop structure, this will be called a shouse. You may also see them referred to as pole barn homes.

Is it Expensive to Convert a Barn into a House?

It is not that expensive to convert a barn into a house.

In fact, it can be quite a bit cheaper than building a traditional home from scratch. Most of the time, converting a barn into a house will take about half the time. This is because you have the structure already, or you can build it from a barndominium kit.

Convert a Barn into a House - Your Ultimate Guide (3)

Having the basic structure already in place can cut your construction time to anywhere between six to nine months. When you compare this to a traditional house, which can take years, you can save a lot on construction and labor. If you are a first-time home builder, converting a barn into a house is a great option for you.


Converting a barn into a house is a great way to make the most of your budget. On top of the money savings, you can also get something truly unique and beautiful. If you are creative and have a vision of what your home should be like, converting a barn into a house is your best bet.

If you would like more guides like this one, check out the rest There, you will find more helpful tips and tricks from the pros. You will also findfeatured barndominiums, barndominium floor plans, and information on financingand insurance. Knowing as much as you can will help you get the best results for your dream home.

Convert a Barn into a House - Your Ultimate Guide (2024)


Is it expensive to turn a barn into a house? ›

This type of remodeling costs an average $30,000, or about $10 to $50 per square foot. Typically, homeowners who convert a barn into a barn house will need to install a new foundation, interior framing and a roof as well as pay for refurbishes like windows, doors, plumbing, electricity and finishing details.

What are the disadvantages of barn conversion? ›

Cost. It's pretty rare for any self build to go seemlessly and a conversion brings a whole host of extra potential problems. Barns were never constructed for habitation (livestock excepted) and although some are in excellent condition others will require a lot of work before you can begin to think about moving in.

Do you need planning permission to convert a barn? ›

While you might not need a full planning application, you will need to obtain a lawful development certificate. This is vital for a barn conversion, and failure to do so could result in heavy fines or even the demolition of your project.

Are barn conversions a good idea? ›

We touched on this earlier; that barn conversions can be a great investment opportunity. Barn renovations are extremely valuable for a few reasons, such as: Their rarity – Not many barns are around to convert. Their history and story – Each barn has its own story and is often steeped in history.

Are barn conversions cold? ›

Barn conversions and stone built properties are often complex shaped structures. These are notoriously difficult to insulate and can be very cold if not insulated correctly. The nature of the walls on these types of buildings means there is rarely a straight wall.

How long does it take to convert a barn? ›

Most barn conversions take around a year to complete – however, this will again depend on the barn in question and the amount of work you would like done.

What does it cost to convert a barn? ›

According to a 2022 report by Homebuilding & Renovating, the average cost of a barn conversion in the UK is about £1,700 per square metre, but there are many factors that could significantly affect this and push the cost up to £2,500 per square metre or higher.

Can you put extra windows in a barn conversion? ›

Introducing more light with glazing

Most barns have too few windows for a modern home. But you will need to carefully balance the need to increase natural light to make rooms habitable with preserving the character of the barn. Narrow ventilation slits are common and can be glazed with a fixed, double-glazed units.

Does a barn conversion need a sap? ›

To meet building regulations, you'll need a SAP calculation for your barn conversion. This will help to plan your design and build SAPS and get an EPC certificate.

Can I convert an outbuilding into a house? ›

While most outbuilding conversions need planning permission, getting it shouldn't be an issue – but there are a few situations that where you might run into trouble. Planning permissions on the whole are a grey area, differing from council to council and application to application.

How much does it cost to convert a barn? ›

According to a 2022 report by Homebuilding & Renovating, the average cost of a barn conversion in the UK is about £1,700 per square metre, but there are many factors that could significantly affect this and push the cost up to £2,500 per square metre or higher.

Why are barn houses cheaper? ›

Not only are they cheaper to build, but they are easier to build too. You start off by purchasing a plot of land and essentially build the home from the ground up using a concrete foundation. Steel is typically used for the foundation, and then comes insulation, framing, HVAC and electrical work.

Is it worth saving an old barn? ›

Old barns often have a lot of history and can be reminders of a simpler time. They can also be a valuable part of the landscape and can add to the aesthetic value of a property. Barns can also be restored to be used for practical purposes such as storage or housing animals.

Does building a pole barn add value to your home? ›

Adding a new pole barn to your property is a great way to add a significant amount of value to your home. Whether it is a garage shed, a workshop, a storage unit, or anything in between. It can be a great way to expand what is available on your property and therefore the overall value of that property.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.