Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners (2024)

Eating a traditional Japanese meal at a restaurant serves as one of the most enriching and enjoyable aspects of Japanese culture.

However, while it’s certainly an unmissable experience, it’s important to brush up on Japanese eating habits and table manners before venturing out for your first meal. This will ensure you not only display good manners, but that you also receive the most authentic experience possible.

Be it a first date or an important business meeting, it’s important to ensure you leave a good impression when eating at a restaurant. Keep reading for an all-encompassing guide to dining etiquette in Japan, including eating habits, table manners and how to eat the most popular foods.

Japanese Table Manners

Booking & Entering A Restaurant

For most restaurants in Japan, you won’t need to make a reservation in advance. However, if you’d like to make a reservation at a more popular location, this is almost always done by telephone.

Upon entering the restaurant, it’s customary to wait for a member of staff to greet you and ask how many people are dining in your party. If you’re being seated on tatami (rather than a Western-style chair), you’ll be asked to place your shoes in a locker by reception before entering the main portion of the restaurant.


It’s customary for diners to be seated at a low dining table on a cushion placed on tatami floor. When sitting on tatami, it’s widely accepted to adopt a kneeling position known as a sieza.

The most senior or important member of your dining party will be seated furthest from the entrance to the restaurant; a seat known as the kamiza. The person seated in the kamiza will be responsible for initiating the meal once it’s been served to your table.


When ordering food in a restaurant, you’ll need to call a member of the waiting staff over by raising your hand and making eye contact. It’s also useful to call out to them by saying sumimasen (‘excuse me’).

Some restaurants will also have a small device on your table which can be used to contact the waiting staff or pay your bill. If this is the case, simply push the relevant button and a member of the waiting staff will arrive promptly at your table.

Starting The Meal

Once the food has been served to your table, it’s customary for the person seated in the kamiza to start the meal. They’ll do this by making a brief hand gesture and saying the term itadakimasu (‘to thankfully receive’).

Hot Towels

Most restaurants in Japan will provide your table with a hot towel, which is used to clean your hands during the meal. However, it’s important to mention that wiping your face with the towel is considered bad manners.

Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners (1)


You’ll be provided with a chopstick stand known as a hashioki, which you should rest your chopsticks on when they’re not in use.

To use your chopsticks, you should:

  • Place the first chopstick between your index finger and thumb, resting it on your middle finger
  • Place the second chopstick between your index finger and thumb, resting it on your ring finger
  • Use your index and middle fingers to maneuver the first chopstick and grasp pieces of food (the second chopstick should remain stationary)

In Japan, it’s considered bad manners to:

  • Talk while holding your chopsticks
  • Use your chopsticks to pass food to another person’s chopsticks
  • Raise your chopsticks above your mouth
  • Stab food with your chopsticks
  • Point at people with your chopsticks

When eating from shared dishes, it’s considered polite (and also hygienic) to flip your chopsticks around and use the opposite end to move food from a shared bowl into your own bowl.

For more information on how to use your chopsticks correctly, be sure to visit our complete guide to chopstick etiquette.


If you’re eating from a small-sized bowl, you should pick it up with your non-dominant hand and hold it just under your mouth to eat from it. This is not only considered good manners, but is especially handy if you’re not-so-skilled with your chopsticks.

When eating from a larger plate, this can be left on the table rather than being picked up.

Once you’ve finished eating, it’s considered good manners to return your dishes to the way you found them at the start of the meal. This includes re-covering dishes with any lids and returning your chopsticks to their holder.


It’s customary not to begin drinking until everyone in your party has been served a drink and a toast has been completed. The toast is usually performed with all diners raising their glasses and saying kampai (‘cheers’).

It’s customary for party members to refill each other’s glasses, rather than refilling their own. Be sure to keep an eye on other people’s glasses and offer to refill them once they’re nearly empty.

For more information on drinking in Japan, be sure to visit our all-encompassing guide on drinking in Japan.

Ending The Meal

Once you’ve finished the meal, it’s important to express your gratitude by saying a phrase such as gochisosama desh*ta (‘thank you for the meal’). As mentioned previously, you should then return your dishes to how you found them at the start of your meal.

Payment & Tips

While there’s no hard-and-fast rule to who pays for a meal in Japan, it’s considered standard for the person who made the invite to pay for the meal.

Tipping is not a requirement in most Japanese restaurants, although it is welcomed if you’d like to do so. For more information, be sure to check out our guide to tipping in Japan.

Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners (2)

Japanese Eating Habits

General Eating Habits

  • Always Eat Food In One Bite: It’s considered bad manners to take multiple bites from your chopsticks.
  • Slurping Is Considered Good Manners: Unlike western culture, Slurping foods such as soup or noodles is considered a sign of appreciation and constitutes good manners.
  • Don’t Attempt To Catch Food That’s Been Dropped: While this might feel like the right thing to do, using your hand to catch food you’ve dropped is considered bad manners.
  • Do Not Blow Your Nose At The Table: Much like in western culture, this is considered very bad manners.

Meal Times

While there are no strict meal times in Japan, most Japanese people will consume meals at approximately the following times:

  • Breakfast: 06:00-07:00
  • Lunch: 12:00-13:00
  • Dinner: 18:00-20:00

It’s common for Japanese people to eat a snack at around 15:00; a time known as oyatsu (‘in-between meal’).

How To Eat Common Foods In Japan


Rice will often be eaten from a small bowl, which you should hold in your non-dominant hand. Use your chopsticks to pick up a small amount of rice and eat it.

While it’s important to hold the bowl close to your face, you should avoid bringing it so close as to scoop the rice into your mouth. This is considered very bad manners.


If the noodles are hot, they will usually be served as part of a soup or broth along with a set of chopsticks and a large spoon. The chopsticks should be used to eat your noodles, while the spoon should be used to drink the broth or support your noodles while you’re eating them.

If the noodles are cold, they will generally be served on a plate along with a dipping sauce. Use your chopsticks to dip the noodles in the dipping sauce before eating them.

Miso Soup

As with the rice, hold the bowl close to your face and use your chopsticks to eat the larger chunks of food in the soup. The broth can be sipped straight from the bowl and you usually won’t be provided with a spoon.


Sashimi is usually served on a standard-sized plate, with a smaller accompanying dish of soy sauce. Use your chopsticks to pick up the sashimi and dip it in the soy sauce before eating it. Both dishes can be left on the table rather than being picked up when eating from them.

If you’re offered wasabi with the sashimi, this can be mixed directly into your soy sauce. However, be careful not to add too much or you’ll risk overpowering the dish.

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce will usually be served in a small side dish. Be sure to only serve yourself as much as you’ll need as overserving soy sauce is considered bad manners.

Food should always be dipped directly in the soy sauce dish; it’s considered very bad manners to pour the soy sauce (or any other sauce) directly over your dish.

Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners (3)

Closing Thoughts

Whether you’ve just moved to Japan or are simply paying a visit, it’s important to brush up on Japanese food etiquette before your visit. While it might seem daunting, we hope this guide has put your mind at ease and given you some great tips for your first meal in Japan.

If you’ve recently relocated to Japan or are simply visiting for the first time, be sure to browse the rest of our blog for more helpful guides!

Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners (2024)


Dining Etiquette In Japan | Eating Habits & Table Manners? ›

It is considered polite to eat everything, right down to the last grain of rice, however, if there is something you don't like, just leave it as it is. Once you have finished your meal, it's good manners to put all the dishes back to their original positions, which includes placing any lids back on their bowls.

What is proper dining etiquette in Japan? ›

When eating from small bowls, it's good manners to pick up the bowl with your hand and lead it close to your mouth when eating from it. Never cup your hand to catch falling food, as this is considered bad manners. Ideally, food should always be eaten in one bite, so try not to bite food into smaller bits.

What is the Japanese rule of eating? ›

Hara hachi bu is a Japanese term meaning “Eat until you're 80% full.” It originated in the city of Okinawa, where people use this advice as a way to control their eating habits.

What is the traditional eating table in Japan? ›

A chabudai (卓袱台 or 茶袱台 or 茶部台) is a short-legged table used in traditional Japanese homes. The original models ranged in height from 15 cm (5.9 in) to 30 cm (12 in). People seated at a chabudai may sit on zabuton or tatami rather than on chairs.

What are the Japanese food habits? ›

What is the traditional Japanese diet? The traditional Japanese diet is largely fresh and unprocessed, with very few refined ingredients and sugar. In fact, it isn't that dissimilar to a traditional Chinese diet, with staples including rice, cooked and pickled vegetables, fish and meat.

What is frowned upon in Japanese restaurants? ›

Blowing your nose at the table, burping and audible munching are considered bad manners in Japan. On the other hand, it is considered good style to empty your dishes to the last grain of rice.

What are the eating guidelines in Japan? ›

Combine vegetables, fruits, milk products, beans and fish in your diet. Avoid too much salt and fat. Maintain a healthy body weight and balance the calories you eat with physical activity. Take advantage of your dietary culture and local food products, while incorporating new and different dishes.

What not to do while eating in Japan? ›

10 Etiquette Rules to Follow in Japanese Restaurants
  • 01 No shoes on the tatami. ...
  • 02 Rest chopsticks on the holder, wrapper, or side of a tray. ...
  • 03 Don't mix wasabi into your soy sauce. ...
  • 04 Don't place half-eaten food back on your plate. ...
  • 05 Use the pickled ginger as a palate cleanser.

What is the rule of 5 in Japanese food? ›

The Five Tastes: We all know bitter, sour, salt, and sweet as the four taste sensations. Japan adds to this something they call umami, which might be translated to “savory”. The Five Preparations: Raw, simmered, fried, steamed, and roasted or grilled are the five common ways Japanese food is prepared.

What is the 80 eating rule in Japan? ›

People who live in Okinawa, Japan have a wise strategy when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. They call it “hara hachi bu”, which means to stop eating when you are 80% full. Studies show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.

Is it rude to not finish your meal in Japan? ›

Not finishing one's meal is not considered impolite in Japan, but rather is taken as a signal to the host that one wishes to be served another helping. Conversely, finishing one's meal completely, especially the rice, indicates that one is satisfied and therefore does not wish to be served any more.

When eating food in Japan, mention one important courtesy to compliment.? ›

It is polite to say Itadakimasu (a humble-honorific meaning “to receive” ) once before eating or drinking, and Gochiso sama desh*ta (“It was a feast”) to your host or the restaurant's staff after finishing your meal.

What are five table manners in Japan? ›

10 Unique Japanese Eating Etiquette Rules
  • Never raise your food above your mouth. ...
  • Never rest your chopsticks on your bowl. ...
  • Never use your hand to catch falling food. ...
  • Slurping is a sign of appreciation! ...
  • Eat your soup with chopsticks. ...
  • Return all your dishes to how they were at the start of the meal once you're done.

What 2 foods are served at every meal in Japan? ›

In addition to rice, every Japanese meal includes soup. It's almost always served hot. A miso-based soup (miso shiru) is the most common, and the ingredients are only limited by the chef's creativity.

How many times do Japanese eat a day? ›

Dining Etiquette. The Japanese eat three meals a day, and they have some meal conventions that are similar to Western practices. At many Japanese hotels, breakfast is a sizeable affair, with a focus on savory dishes, soup and (of course!) pickles.

What are the basic rules of Japanese etiquette? ›

Here are our top 10 Japanese etiquette tips:
  • Take off your shoes.
  • Get naked in an onsen.
  • Learn to bow.
  • Don't blow your nose.
  • Table manners matter (use chopsticks correctly).
  • You don't need to tip.
  • Never be late.
  • Be quiet on public transport.
Aug 18, 2015

Do you sit on the floor in restaurants in Japan? ›

Japanese culture dictates that guests sit on the floor while dining. Moreover, guests typically gather around low dining tables atop tatami mats, woven from reeds. In Japan, this creates an intimate dining experience.

Is it rude to leave food on your plate in Japan? ›

Always finish your meal!

The Japanese consider it rude to leave food on your plate, and even more so to order more food when you haven't finished everything you've already got. This is related to one of the fundamental concepts in Japanese culture, mottainai, which is a feeling of regret at having wasted something.

What is polite etiquette in Japan? ›

Basic Etiquette

Two common phrases used to indicate politeness are “Gomen nasai” ('I'm sorry') and “Sumimasen” ('Excuse me'). It is considered proper etiquette to state these phrases when you have made a mistake or caused inconvenience.

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