Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (2024)

Iberico Pork from Spain

If you are not from the Mediterranean area, you probably never heard about Iberico pork from Spain.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about it. Like what makes it taste so good, and what is the difference compared to regular pork meat. This kind of product is really hard to find since the only place where the pork comes from is in the Iberian area on the Spanish and Portuguese lands.

Contents :

Where does it come from?

What is different about Iberico meat?

What is the breeding process for Iberico pigs?

Is this kind of pork more expensive?

What cuts can I find ?

Can I bring Iberico into the US ?

A few cooking ideas for Iberico meat

Where does Iberico pork come from?

Iberico pork comes from pigs in the Iberian Peninsula, a mountainous region covering the central and southern parts of Spain and Portugal. You can find these pigs only in this area.

The Iberian pig is a very old animal that pre-existed animal domestication. Their origin can be traced back to the Neolithic Period around 12,000 years ago.

You will find Iberian pigs living in the mountains, usually in a wild environment, or in the forest close to its favorite diet of acorns, oak, and nuts.
Iberian pigs have a red to grey skin color and have very little or no hair.

What is different about Iberico meat?

Iberico meat is distinctly different than regular pig meat. When you see it raw, it almost looks like beef. The meat is red to bright red compared to regular pig meat which is white.

The game changer for the Iberico pork meat is the fat. Because of its mostly acorns diet and its genetics, Iberian pigs are able to infiltrate a lot of fat into their muscles, resulting in a more flavorful pork. On top of being high in fat, a large amount of it is unsaturated oleic fat, the same fat found in olive oil, that is said to reduce cholesterol, and is an important part of the Mediterranean diet.
When you eat Iberico pork, the marbling of fat in it makes it super tasty and delicious. The meat is more flavorful, more juicy, and very distinctive.

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (2)

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (3)

Furthermore, the predominantly acorn diet of the pigs give a very particular flavor to the pork You can taste a unique nutty flavor in Iberico pork which makes the meat very special. Iberico pork meat is the richest pork you can find. You won’t be able to find its flavor and succulence anywhere else.

What is the breeding process for Iberico pigs?

To make the pork taste so special, the Iberico pigs need different things. First of all, the pigs need to live in open areas in a very natural environment, and be free to run over hills and through woods, always close to the dehesas. By doing this, their muscles will develop and grow, and be able to infiltrate the fat from the acorns.

During the spring and summer months the pigs will eat grass, mushrooms, bugs, and herbs.. Then, from October to March, it is acorn season, with acorns falling from the dehesas.
Acorn is the favorite food of the Iberico pig, and it will eat a lot of them. This will increase their fat and infiltrate the taste of the acorns into their muscle.

If you would like to know more about the process, take a look at this article.

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (4)

Is Iberico pork expensive?

It is from a unique breed of pig that can be only found in the Iberian peninsula. On top of that, the diet is special and the farmers who breed them have certifications that guarantee the pork quality and authenticity. Thus, Iberico pork is highly valuable and prices are a little higher than for regular pork.

Furthermore, Iberico pigs have smaller litters and yield less meat. It takes time for them to grow. Also, the production of the pork takes longer.

What cuts can I find ?

Iberico pork is like any other kind of pork. You can find all the classic pork cuts:

  • Pork belly
  • Shoulder loin
  • Shoulder steaks
  • Ribs
  • Pork rack
  • Tenderloin

The interesting thing about it is that it looks like beef because of the color, so you will think it’s a small piece of meat.

Can I bring Iberico pork into the US ?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to bring Iberico pork from Spain into the U.S., even for personal consumption. It is considered illegal to buy it in Spain and import it into the country.
The pork has to meet American health standards, so only U.S. authorized facilities can import Iberico meat to the U.S.

Lucky for you, we are one of them! If you would like to try it out, feel free to check out our Iberico pig selection.

If you have any questions about Iberico pork feel free to ask; we will be happy to help !

A few cooking ideas for Iberico pork

Iberico pork is cooked in a similar way as regular white pork and cooking methods depend on the cut of pork you choose.
Fry it, roast it, grill it, broil it or bake it, just like regular pork. The difference is the succulent, rich taste of the finished product!

Feel free to look at this article to find a different way to cook your Iberico pork and even more information about it.

Bon appetit!

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (5)

Chef Dish with Tenderloin

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (6)

Home made dish with Pluma

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Chef appetizer with cured Belly

Everything you need to know about Iberico pork - mmmediterranean (2024)


What is so special about Iberico pork? ›

Iberico pigs are fed a special diet of acorns and other plant-based items found naturally in the forest. This special diet is what gives the meat its tender and sweet flavor. It also gives the meat the perfect amount of marbling and fat. The fat on the meat will melt right in your mouth once cooked.

Is it safe to eat Iberico pork medium rare? ›

How should Iberico pork be cooked? Iberico pork is different to other breeds of pork, and can be cooked medium rare, like steak. This keeps the meat tender while also allowing the fat to melt. Cured Iberico pork does not need to be cooked before eating.

Is Iberico pork high in cholesterol? ›

Luckily, Iberico is quite healthy for you! Acorn-fed Iberico pigs are left to walk and graze, developing natural muscle along with fat. The uniqueness of Iberico lies within those layers of fat: a fat that's healthy, full of oleic acid, which is known for lowering bad cholesterol and increases the good kind.

Why is Iberico ham illegal? ›

It is against US law to import jamón ibérico - the hind leg of an Iberian pig, hoof attached, swaddled in fat, covered in a thin green layer of protective mould, occasionally sprouting wiry black pig hair - because Spain does not have a single slaughterhouse that conforms to the regulations of the US Department of ...

What type of Iberico is best? ›

Jamon Iberico de Bellota is the highest grade of Jamon Iberico available today and is generally considered to be of the finest quality compared to other types of Jamon Iberico such as Jamon Serrano, Jamon Iberico de Recebo, and Jamon Iberico de Cebo.

Does Iberico pork need to be fully cooked? ›

The Perfect Temperature for Ibérico Pork

Now, the USDA recommends cooking pork to an internal temperature of 145º F, with an accompanied 3-minute rest time to help the meat make its way over into food-safe temps and also lock in the juices. That means your pork will still be a little pink in the middle.

What is the best way to cook Iberico pork? ›

Cook it: For the whole rack, sear it on high heat and finish it in the oven at 350ºF (about 30 minute for every 1 pound of meat). Or, cut it into individual chops and cook for 4 minutes on each side on high heat.

What cut of Iberico pork is best? ›

The secret is not the only most demanded cut of Iberian pork, but the presa is too! This is one of the most sought-after pieces of the animal, as only two presa can be extracted from each pig, each weighing between 500 and 600 grams. It is bright red in color, so you can easily identify it in the butcher's shop.

Do you eat the fat on Iberico ham? ›

Furthermore, it's important to note that the fat on Iberian ham, the one covering the ham, appearing more yellowish, and the fat on the edges of the slices, would be considered more saturated fat, not as healthy as the intramuscular fat. Thus, it's not recommended for consumption if you're following a low-calorie diet.

Can you get Iberico pigs in the US? ›

The Glendower herd was part of the first importation of Iberico pigs to the U.S. in modern times. The US side of that importation was managed by Glendower owner Hines Boyd in 2014. Today's herd of Glendower pigs descends from that original importation. The Iberian pig is the King of Charcuterie.

Does Iberico pork have trichinosis? ›

However, whether capa blanca or Iberico, the danger of trichinella and of getting sick with trichinosis is no longer what it used to be and pork may be eaten while still pink. At least in the USA and in Europe including in Spain.

Why is Iberico pork so expensive? ›

It is from a unique breed of pig that can be only found in the Iberian peninsula. On top of that, the diet is special and the farmers who breed them have certifications that guarantee the pork quality and authenticity. Thus, Iberico pork is highly valuable and prices are a little higher than for regular pork.

Why can't you bring Jamón Ibérico to the USA? ›

Cured hams (prosciutto, Serrano ham, Iberian ham) and salami from areas within France, Germany, Italy and Spain may not be brought into the United States by travelers. These items may only enter in commercial shipments because there are special restrictions that require additional certification and documentation.

Can you buy Jamón Ibérico in the US? ›

Sliced Jamón Ibérico is a simple and noncommittal way to snack on this cured delicacy stateside. Since its introduction to the U.S. market in 2007, only a few brands have been able to withstand the impossible FDA regulations coupled with already rigid quality standards of sliced Ibérico ham in Spain.

Is Iberico pork worth it? ›

It is a delicacy with a unique taste that goes through a specific growing and curing process to be able to promote the best flavor. The black labeled Iberico pork is the best quality and will be a taste and texture you never forget as long as you live, even if you only try it once.

What's the difference between Iberico pork and normal pork? ›

Iberico meat is fattier than regular pork and more of a red color instead of the traditional pinkish color,” he said. Iberico meat is tender and flavorful like a steak because the meat is heavily marbled, Padgett said. “The meat has a high fat content,” Padgett said. “Including a thick, soft fat layer.

What is the secret of Iberico? ›

Spanish butchers call secreto Ibérico the "Iberian secret" because of its hidden nature in the pig. The thin cut is tucked in the side, between the shoulder blade and the loin and isn't obviously visible to the naked eye.

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