Gluten-Free Pretzel Sticks | Eat! Gluten-Free (2024)

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Gluten-Free Pretzel Sticks | Eat! Gluten-Free (2024)


What brand pretzels are gluten free? ›

Mainstream brands such as Snyder's of Hanover and Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps sell a gluten free version (just make sure you pick up the gluten-free bag!). Many specialty GF brands such as Glutino, Katz, Gratify, Quinn, and Perfection Snacks sell all kinds of soft, crunchy, and stuffed gluten-free pretzels.

Are Dot's homestyle pretzels gluten free? ›

No, DOT'S HOMESTYLE PRETZELS are not gluten free as they contain wheat. Always refer to each package for current ingredients and allergen statements to make an informed decision about Hershey products.

Are all Snyder's pretzels gluten free? ›

Just be sure to double check the label when you purchase these snacks – Snyder's of Hanover primarily produces gluten-containing pretzels and products, so make sure the bag is marked as gluten free.

Are Rold Gold pretzels gluten free? ›

4. ARE ROLD GOLD® PRETZELS GLUTEN FREE? Currently, there are no Rold Gold® pretzels that are gluten free.

Are Auntie Anne's pretzels gluten-free? ›

We strongly recommend that anyone with an allergic condition or sensitivity to nuts, gluten, or other food allergens NOT consume our products. Products may contain allergens or sensitivities as an ingredient, or they may contain them as they share common equipment at the store level and/or at the manufacturing plants.

Does Aldi's have gluten-free pretzels? ›

I'm a mom of three who is gluten-free, and Aldi is a great place to stock up on pantry essentials. I snag a variety of wraps and pasta alternatives from brands like liveGfree and egglife. The grocery chain also carries gluten-free substitutes for staple snacks, such as pretzels.

Why are Dot's pretzels discontinued? ›

27. The company currently operates seven manufacturing sites in the U.S., according to its website. “Due to the physical limitations of the building and cost associated with the Velva facility, it has led us to the hard decision to cease operations and close the facility,” a company spokesperson said in an email.

Are dots safe for celiacs? ›

Additional gluten-free candies include:

Junior Mints. Tootsie Pops. Jelly Belly Beans. Dots.

Are Tootsie rolls gluten-free? ›

Oftentimes, Tootsie Rolls are given out individually or in a handful of other Halloween candies, so you may not have ever had the chance to read the ingredients since they're not listed on the smaller wrapper. But Tootsie Rolls of all flavors are in fact gluten free.

Does Utz make gluten-free pretzels? ›

Try Utz gluten free mini pretzels, with the quality and crunch you've come to know and love! Our gluten free mini pretzels are a satisfying snack while being wheat, dairy, milk, lactose, casein, and egg free. And with 8g of whole grains per serving, snacking never tasted so good.

Can you eat pretzels with celiac disease? ›

Are pretzels gluten free? No! Unless they are specifically made to be gluten free, pretzels contain gluten, usually in the form of wheat flour. If you want pretzels on a gluten free diet, you'll need to buy gluten free pretzels.

What common snacks are gluten-free? ›

Don't forget that some naturally nutritious gluten-free snacks include fruits, vegetables, nuts and nut butters, yogurt, cottage cheese, popcorn, hardboiled eggs, hummus and guacamole.

Do they make gluten-free pretzel sticks? ›

Our low-fat Gluten-Free Pretzel Sticks are a delicious alternative to wheat-based pretzels and offer all the satisfying flavor and crunch you would expect from America's pretzel bakery.

Does Trader Joe's have gluten-free pretzels? ›

So many tasty gluten free snacks abound at Trader Joe's. They carry their own brand of gluten free pretzels, as well as Chomps meat sticks and Enjoy Life Foods Protein Bites.

Are M&Ms gluten-free? ›

The following Mars candies have no gluten-containg ingredients: M&Ms (except pretzel, crispy, and potentially seasonal items) Milky Way Caramel Bars (not the original Milky Way Bar) Snickers Bars.

Do Utz pretzels have gluten? ›

Product details

Try Utz gluten free mini pretzels, with the quality and crunch you've come to know and love! Our gluten free mini pretzels are a satisfying snack while being wheat, dairy, milk, lactose, casein, and egg free. And with 8g of whole grains per serving, snacking never tasted so good.

Do Philly soft pretzels have gluten? ›

DOES PHILLY PRETZEL FACTORY SELL A GLUTEN FREE PRETZEL? Unfortunately the answer is no. Philly Pretzel Factory has experimented with gluten free Pretzels, but have yet to be able to develop one that meets the Philly Pretzel Factory standards.

Are Pringles gluten free? ›

Are Pringles gluten-free? As most Pringles flavours are made with wheat starch, Pringles are not considered to be gluten-free. They are also not labelled as gluten-free, so best to give them a miss and try some new and exciting gluten-free crisp options instead!

Are Reese's pretzels gluten free? ›

Believe it or not, this product is labeled gluten free.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.