Iberico Pork Cheeks and How to Cook them (2024)

As with all parts of the Iberico pig, the pork cheeks are a succulent delicacy that melts in your mouth and has a delicate nutty flavor due to the high amounts of soft fat. They do best with slow cooking, such as by being braised, or in a stew.

You might expect pork cheeks to be fatty and not particularly flavorful, but they are actually very meaty, with marbling of fat such as you find with any cut of meat from an Iberico pig.

Keep reading to learn what to expect with Iberico pork cheeks, and why they may be worth trying out.

Slow Cooked Iberico Pork Cheeks

To get the most flavor from Iberico pork cheeks, a slow cooked method with a lot of vegetables and wine gives you the best flavor. Around the world, pork cheeks are a soft, tasty delicacy that are much meatier than people expect.

However, when made with Iberico pork, this delicacy is only enhanced. It is soft, flavorful, and will put other meats to shame. It is fork tender and melts in the mouth, leaving behind a wonderful, nutty taste that will be hard to forget.

The three recipes below all use Iberico pork cheeks, so you know that you are getting a recipe that fits the flavor of your meat. You can see there are a few flavor profiles, such as garlic and thyme, that work best.

See Also
Pork Cheeks

You can also see that starchier foods like potatoes and carrots work well with the richness of the meat to create a balanced meal.

Common Iberian Pork Cooking Methods

Braised Pork Cheeks with Port Wine and Honey

On top of your Iberico pork cheeks, you will also need:

  • Onion
  • Shallots
  • Green apple
  • Carrots
  • Red pepper
  • Garlic
  • Port wine
  • Fingerling potatoes
  • Bay leaves
  • Honey
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Oil
  • Beef stock

It will take about 4 hours to make, and you can see the rest of the recipe here, if you are interested.

Stewed Pork Cheeks with Mash and Broccoli

Other ingredients:

  • Oil
  • Onion
  • Flour
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Cumin
  • Smoked paprika
  • Sherry vinegar
  • Beef or pork stock
  • Parsley
  • Butter beans
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds

This one only takes about 2 hours, and you can find the recipe here.

Sherry Braised Pork Cheeks with Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Besides your pork, you will need:

  • Oil
  • Banana shallots
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Bay leaves
  • Thyme
  • Flour
  • Beef stock
  • Amontillado sherry
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Potatoes
  • Garlic
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Milk

This is another three to four hour recipe, found here.

Other Ways to Use Iberian Pork Cheeks

While Iberico Pork cheeks are most often slow cooked and served in a stew or as a roast, there are other ways to savor these delicious meats. If you want to try something interesting or different, here are some other options.

  • Iberico Pork Cheek, pulled pork, ‘burgers’.
  • If you want a slightly different flavor, try smoking them on a grill before braising.
  • You can also just slow cook them in the smoker.
  • Grilled Iberico pork cheeks, served with fava beans and an apple, mint, and sherry Jus.
  • The list goes on.

As long as you remember the basic flavor profile and that starchy foods pair the best with it, while flavors like red wines, sherries, garlic, onion, and thyme are all excellent to use with your pork cheek, you can make a wide variety of unique food combinations. In time, you will see that Iberico pork cheeks work in just as many meals as other parts of the pig.

You no longer have to stick with common pork chops and loins. By venturing out, you get a variety of different meal options while still encompassing that delicious Iberico flavor.

Final Thoughts

Pork cheeks can be a little intimidating-sounding when you first go to use them. They sound like they should be tough, fatty pieces of meat that are easy to mess up without proper planning, and with Iberico pork, you don’t want to waste a bit of it.

However, with time and patience, Iberico pork cheeks can be just as delicious and succulent as any other cut. Some people actually find it their favorite due to the rich flavor, but lower fat content, making it a lean piece of meat.

Iberico pork cheeks also allow for different flavor profiles than other cuts of meat from an Iberico pig. Most other cuts do best with just a little bit of salt and pepper, or maybe some fresh herbs. But with the cheeks, you can utilize the rich flavor of the pork and enhance it with heavier flavors like beef stock.

Even braised in a sauce, the delicate flavor of Iberico pork shines through, making it distinct from other types of pork or any other meat you may have tried before.

Iberico Pork Cheeks and How to Cook them (2024)


What is the best way to cook Iberico pork? ›

Cook it: For the whole rack, sear it on high heat and finish it in the oven at 350ºF (about 30 minute for every 1 pound of meat). Or, cut it into individual chops and cook for 4 minutes on each side on high heat.

Does Iberico pork need to be fully cooked? ›

So in 2011, the USDA changed its recommendation for cooking whole pork cuts to 145 degrees—the same as beef. The USDA still recommends cooking ground or shredded pork and beef products to 160 degrees. Both of these recommendations, of course, have generous margins of safety built into them.

What is Iberico pork cheek? ›

As with all parts of the Iberico pig, the pork cheeks are a succulent delicacy that melts in your mouth and has a delicate nutty flavor due to the high amounts of soft fat. They do best with slow cooking, such as by being braised, or in a stew.

Is Iberico pork really healthy? ›

Luckily, Iberico is quite healthy for you! Acorn-fed Iberico pigs are left to walk and graze, developing natural muscle along with fat. The uniqueness of Iberico lies within those layers of fat: a fat that's healthy, full of oleic acid, which is known for lowering bad cholesterol and increases the good kind.

Can you eat undercooked Iberico pork? ›

How should Iberico pork be cooked? Iberico pork is different to other breeds of pork, and can be cooked medium rare, like steak. This keeps the meat tender while also allowing the fat to melt. Cured Iberico pork does not need to be cooked before eating.

What is the best part of the Iberico pork? ›

The secret is not the only most demanded cut of Iberian pork, but the presa is too! This is one of the most sought-after pieces of the animal, as only two presa can be extracted from each pig, each weighing between 500 and 600 grams. It is bright red in color, so you can easily identify it in the butcher's shop.

Is Iberico pork worth it? ›

It has a very distinct flavor and is much more tender than other cuts of meat. Since it is of such high quality, you also need to know that the price is high as well. The marble pattern gives it its juiciness and just the right amount of grease giving you a lightweight and perfect piece of meat.

How long does Iberico last in fridge? ›

One of our 16 lb whole Jamón 100% Ibérico de Bellota will yield around 45 to 50 plates of 2.5oz/each. A vacuum sealed package of hand-carved Jamón Ibérico, on the other hand, will last up to 5 months in the refrigerator. An opened package, however, should be enjoyed the same day.

What to eat with Iberico pork? ›

A delicious Iberico pork steak rubbed with spices, drizzled with lime juice, and served with a smoky grilled avocado and fresh Pico de Gallo sauce. Romesco sauce goes well with almost any food.

What is the secret of Ibérico? ›

Spanish butchers call secreto Ibérico the "Iberian secret" because of its hidden nature in the pig. The thin cut is tucked in the side, between the shoulder blade and the loin and isn't obviously visible to the naked eye.

Why is Ibérico so expensive? ›

One of the biggest reasons for the Ibérico price tag is the living conditions. As we mentioned before, Ibérico pigs are never administered any antibiotics or hormones, which keeps their growth steady and energy levels up.

What makes Iberico pork so special? ›

Iberico Pork comes from the distinctive Black Iberian Pig. Native to areas of Portugal and central and southern Spain, the pigs' diet of acorns and elements of the natural forests in these areas impacts the meat directly, giving it a nutty, evocative flavour.

Can you get Iberico pigs in the US? ›

The Glendower herd was part of the first importation of Iberico pigs to the U.S. in modern times. The US side of that importation was managed by Glendower owner Hines Boyd in 2014. Today's herd of Glendower pigs descends from that original importation. The Iberian pig is the King of Charcuterie.

What is the tastiest pork in the world? ›

Heritage berkshire Pork is the world's Best!

Berkshire Pork is coveted for its tender bite, its flavor, and its succulent fats and juices, and is featured in some of the finest restaurants around the world.

Does Iberico pork have trichinosis? ›

However, whether capa blanca or Iberico, the danger of trichinella and of getting sick with trichinosis is no longer what it used to be and pork may be eaten while still pink. At least in the USA and in Europe including in Spain.

What is special about Iberico pork? ›

Iberico Pork comes from the distinctive Black Iberian Pig. Native to areas of Portugal and central and southern Spain, the pigs' diet of acorns and elements of the natural forests in these areas impacts the meat directly, giving it a nutty, evocative flavour.

What's the difference between Iberico pork and normal pork? ›

The meat is more flavorful, more juicy, and very distinctive. Furthermore, the predominantly acorn diet of the pigs give a very particular flavor to the pork You can taste a unique nutty flavor in Iberico pork which makes the meat very special. Iberico pork meat is the richest pork you can find.

What temperature do you cook Iberico pork chops? ›

Preferred Cooking Method: Reverse sear in the oven at 225 degrees, let that marbling break down and melt into the muscle. Slow roast on an elevated rack until your internal temperature is 135 degrees. Then let rest for 5-10 minutes.

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