Jason Linkswiler on LinkedIn: How the peanut butter approach to business is a recipe for unprofitability… (2024)

Jason Linkswiler

CoResolute CEO | Driving CRM Transformation for Mid-Market Clients Cost Effectively | AI Managed Services | Workflow Optimization

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How the peanut butter approach to business is a recipe for unprofitability and mediocrity?When businesses spread their resources and capital too thin across various functions, I call this the peanut butter effect. This approach can lead to mediocre execution and underperformance. Instead, companies should focus on investing in a few key areas where they can excel and have lower expectations for other functions. For instance, Tesla invests heavily in product and manufacturing, while their budget for other functions is comparatively lower. This strategy has worked well for them, as they are known for their high-quality vehicles without needing to spend on advertising. Many early-stage companies fall into the trap of trying to be good at everything, which can be expensive and lead to underperforming groups and frustrated executives and investors. Rather, businesses should focus on their strengths and learn to say no to projects that don't align with their goals. As a company matures, expanding investment into new functions may make sense. It's important to develop a plan to expand resources gradually. The crawl, walk, run analogy is a helpful reminder that it takes time to grow, learn, and succeed. Another observation is that businesses that spread resources too thin often chase underperforming KPIs with more resources, leading to unprofitability. This accelerates the wrong kind of flywheel. Once budgets and people are established, it can be challenging to scale back.To summarize, a subtractive philosophy of resource planning is a powerful hack. It is easy to add, but it takes clarity in the business and its strengths to subtract. Maybe that's why we teach kids addition before subtraction. ========PS: If this post resonates with you, please follow or like. My company, CoResolute, helps clients with their Web, CRM, Automation, and business transformation challenges - cost-effectively.



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Chris Shiflett


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This is a good thought that I think also rings true for those that want to build a new competency at an organization that didn't traditionally embrace said competency. It's takes commitments of time and money along with a feasible strategy to pull that off (re: your crawl, walk, run thought) and what I've seen are companies that pull back on that commitment once they miss a quarter or two.

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    MIDTERM ARTICLESArticle 5:Building Business ModelA building business model refers to a company and its plan for making a profit.It identifies the product. A business focused on strategic decision-making.Creating a business model for development shouldidentify the issue you want to address, the market you'll target, the amount ofinvestment necessary, the items you'll offer, and how you'll make money. Thetwo levers that influence profitability within a specific business model arepricing and costs.Enterpreunal management in a business model is not one-size-fits-allprocess, and professional plans begin by identifying the target market,enabling the creation of a stored product, and managing an approach toconnect with that audience. Sometimes, the process and changing business refer to model innovation that will Assess company readiness for futureproduct launches by wondering about specific and operationalchallenges and documenting each need to ensure a smooth launch process.Article 6: Revenue ModelA plan for how to generate revenue and produce income from its service orproduct, including how product sales in new business Revenue models shouldnot be confused with pricing models, which are used by businesses todetermine the best price for their goods in order to maximize profits. Pricingmodels take into account the value of the products and the target audience inorder to determine the best price for what they are selling. Businesses that usepricing models are more likely to struggle because they will need help to offsetcosts. The revenue model will determine how customers will pay that pricewhen they purchase after the pricing strategy has been decided. They aidyoung, developing businesses in luring capital, hiring talent, and inspiringmanagement and personnel. If established companies wish to keep ahead ofnew trends and issues, they must constantly change their business strategies.

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  • Josh Schultz

    President/COO Canekast 🏭🚀 SMB Ops Guy. Rebuilding US Manufacturing. Currently Buying Small Manufacturers (Reach Out). Teaching the SMB Blueprint.

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    Type 1 and Type 2 Thinking in Building a BusinessOne of the most fulfilling aspects of building a business is the ongoing mental engagement it requires. Your mind consistently works on new approaches and solutions. This process can be divided into two essential types of thinking: Type 1 and Type 2.Type 1 ThinkingType 1 thinking is all about exploration and possibility. It involves three main aspects:Macro: This is about understanding long-term global trends and directions. The more informed you are, the better you can anticipate future needs.Resource Availability: This refers to knowing what is currently feasible given the resources at hand. It's about being grounded in reality while dreaming big.Resource Acquisition: This involves continually thinking about securing high-value, often scarce, resources to fulfill your vision.Individuals who excel at Type 1 thinking often display low conformity, leading them to unique perspectives.Type 2 ThinkingOn the other hand, Type 2 thinking is about implementation. It focuses on three core aspects:Macro: Unlike Type 1, this is about knowing where you are now and how current trends affect your immediate business operations.Resource Allocation: This deals with how best to utilize the resources you already have. The focus here is on efficiency and risk mitigation.Systems Building: This involves creating systems to make the business more efficient and scalable.Type 2 thinking requires a different mindset, one geared towards problem-solving and continual improvement.When a team combines both Type 1 and Type 2 thinkers, the potential for business growth is exponential. Each complements the other, leading to a well-rounded, successful business.I dove much deeper into these forms of thinking about your business in today's newsletter: Thinking in 3D. Check it out for a deeper dive on - types of Macro and Resource thinking- how to pull them off- thinking about the system- the types of people that excel in each!



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  • Ahmed Alshareef

    Founder & CEO at Arrebal tech.

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    Where would start from, while establishing your startup In the Business Model Canvas, the starting point refers to the initial activities that lead to the creation of value for your business. It involves understanding how you acquire customers and deliver your products or services to them. The starting point can be divided into two perspectives: "pull" and "push."1. Pull Perspective: The pull perspective focuses on creating value by attracting customers and understanding their needs. It involves identifying the key customer segments you want to target and designing strategies to attract and retain them. In this approach, the goal is to create a product or service that customers actively seek out and "pull" towards themselves.Key elements in the pull perspective may include:a. Customer Segments: Identifying specific groups of customers with similar characteristics, needs, and behaviors.b. Value Proposition: Defining the unique value that your product or service offers to the customer segments and how it solves their problems or fulfills their needs.c. Channels: Determining the most effective channels to reach and engage with your customer segments, such as online platforms, physical stores, or direct sales.2. Push Perspective: The push perspective focuses on creating value by pushing your product or service into the market. It involves understanding the production, distribution, and delivery processes required to bring your offering to customers. In this approach, the goal is to efficiently manufacture and distribute your products or services to meet customer demand.Key elements in the push perspective may include:a. Key Activities: Identifying the core activities and processes required to produce, distribute, and deliver your product or service.b. Key Resources: Determining the essential resources needed to carry out your key activities, such as manufacturing facilities, technology, or human capital.c. Key Partnerships: Identifying external partners or suppliers who can contribute to your value creation process, such as suppliers, manufacturers, or logistics providers.Both perspectives, pull and push, are important in understanding how your business creates value and interacts with customers. Depending on your business model and industry, you may emphasize one perspective more than the other or find a balance between the two. The Business Model Canvas provides a framework to visualize and analyze these elements, helping you develop a comprehensive understanding of your business and its value proposition.

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Jason Linkswiler on LinkedIn: How the peanut butter approach to business is a recipe for unprofitability… (29)


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Jason Linkswiler on LinkedIn: How the peanut butter approach to business is a recipe for unprofitability… (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.