Marzipan Candy | The Famous German Candy (2024)

Marzipan Candy is a typical European treat made from almonds, often coated with chocolate or colored and shaped into fruits, pigs or bars. Marzipan itself is a paste made from ground almonds and sugar. Marzipan has the soft pliable consistency of dough, which allows it to be easily rolled, molded and cut. Marzipan is often used as icing for cakes, a confectionary decoration, a filling for chocolates or eaten on its own as candy.

Many theories exist as to the origins of Marzipan. Some say Marzipan originated in the Orient or the Middle East. Others believe that Marzipan (often misspelled as marzapan) originated in Italy several hundred years ago during a major drought. As a result of this drought, the only substantial crop to survive was the almond crop. Out od need, Italians found all kinds of ways to use and eat almonds and through some trial and error, Marzipan was created. During this time, sugar was rare and expensive, so Marzipan only graced the tables of nobility and the wealthy.

Throughout the world, each country has its traditional uses for Marzipan. The Belgians, experts at chocolate making, got in on the act and have become famous for Marzipan fruits and candies. Italians often paint Marzipan to resemble fruit, while regions in Spain form Marzipan into animal shapes and fill them with egg yolks and sugar. In Germany, Marzipan is molded into the shape of pigs and given as New Years gifts. In England, Marzipan is commonly used to ice fruitcakes.

Today, the German city of Lubeck is known as the Marzipan Capital of the World. Since 1996 “Lubeck Marzipan” has been given protected status by the European Union as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). This restricts the production of Lubeck Marzipan to certain areas in the Lubeck region. Lubeck Marzipan also must contain no more that 54.5% sugar. The finest Marzipan made in Lubeck, Germany uses the best Mediterranean almonds, pure sugar and a precise roasting temperature.

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Marzipan Candy | The Famous German Candy (2024)


Why is Lübeck famous for marzipan? ›

If we are to believe the local legend, marzipan was even invented in Lübeck. In 1407, there was a danger of famine as Lübeck's granaries stood empty, and the Senate is said to have tasked the bakers with making bread from almonds: Marci-panis (almond bread) – was this the origin of today's famous marzipan loaf?

What is marzipan German candy? ›

German marzipan candy tastes like almonds and is sweet and soft – similar to cookie dough. Just like Vanillekipferl and Zimtsterne, these cookies are a Christmastime staple in our house. These little marzipan balls can be found in any grocery store in Germany during Christmas time.

What is the German word for marzipan? ›

(of) a sweet paste made of crushed almonds and sugar, used in decorating cakes, making sweets etc. das Marzipan. (Translation of marzipan from the PASSWORD English–German Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

What is the history of marzipan candy? ›

The invention of marzipan is usually attributed to Lübeck, Germany. Legend has it that during a 15th century famine when flour for making bread became scarce, the senate of Lübeck ordered bakers to create a replacement. Using eggs, sugar, and stores of almonds, the clever bakers came up with marzipan.

What is so special about marzipan? ›

The glory of marzipan is because it holds a shape easily, you can cut out or mold your own figures to decorate holiday pastries. It's also used as a kind of heavy-duty frosting for Christmas cakes because it helps long-keeping cakes (like fruitcakes) retain their moisture instead of going stale.

What is marzipan called in America? ›

What is Marzipan? Marzipan, also known as almond candy dough, is a smooth and pliable confectionary paste made from almonds that can be used as a cake icing or molded into candies. It features a clay-like consistency that makes it easy to handle.

What is the old name for marzipan? ›

The German name 'marzipan' has supplanted the original English name 'marchpane. ' Some theorise that it originally comes from the Latin 'martius panis', or 'March bread'. Others cite Arabic, Burmese, or Persian as the language of origin.

What is real marzipan made of? ›

Marzipan is 1 part ground almonds and 2 parts confectioners' sugar. Almond paste is made from equal parts almond and sugar, so it is less sweet. The two ingredients are not in interchangeable in recipes; however, in a pinch, you can turn almond paste into marzipan by adding some sugar and egg whites.

What candy did Germany invent? ›

What candy did Germany invent? The gummy bear was invented by the Bonn entrepreneur Hans Riegel. His company Haribo launched the gummy bear, formerly known as Tanzbären (dancing bears), in 1922.

Do Germans eat a lot of candy? ›

In 2021, 7.34 million Germans ate candy bars several times a week, compared to 6.31 million in 2018.

What is the marzipan capital of the world? ›

The history of marzipan starts in a not-so-little town called Lübeck, the marzipan capital of the world! Let's find out how it all began and the best treats to try when visiting Lübeck. Lübeck is the second largest city on Germany's Baltic coast.

Where is the best marzipan in the world? ›

Lübecker Marzipan from Lübeck, Germany

The quality requirements of Lübecker Almond Paste Marzipan are set higher than those of conventional almond paste marzipan and are regulated by the RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Classification.

What is the famous marzipan brand? ›

Niederegger has been making marzipan for over 200 years. Founded in 1806 in Lubeck, Germany by Johann Georg Niederegger it belongs to this day a family owned company. Niederegger marzipan is world renowned and classed as 100% marzipan, containing less sugar and a high percentage of almond than other marzipan makes.

What is the history of German marzipan? ›

Although it is believed to have originated in Persia (present-day Iran) and to have been introduced to Europe through the Turks, there is some dispute between Hungary and Italy over its origin. Marzipan became a specialty of the Baltic Sea region of Germany.

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