Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in People (2024)

The best prevention is to avoid sources of exposure

The best way to prevent H5N1 bird flu is to avoid sources of exposure whenever possible. Infected birds shed avian influenza A viruses in their saliva, mucous, and feces and other infected animals may shed avian influenza A viruses in respiratory secretions and other body fluids (e.g., cow milk). Avian influenza A viruses also can infect the respiratory tract of mammals and cause infection in other organ tissues. People rarely get avian influenza A virus infection; however, human infections with avian influenza viruses can happen when enough virus gets into a person's eyes, nose or mouth, or is inhaled. This can happen when virus is in the air (in droplets or possibly dust) and a person breathes it in, or when a person touches something that has virus on it and then touches their mouth, eyes or nose. Avian influenza A virus infections in people happen most often after close, prolonged and unprotected (no gloves or other protective wear) contact with infected birds or other animals. People with close or prolonged contact with infected birds or animals or their contaminated environments are at greater risk of infection.

What to do to protect yourself

  • As a general precaution, whenever possible people should avoid direct contact with sick or dead wild birds, poultry, and other animals and observe them only from a distance.
    • If you must have direct/close contact with sick or dead wild birds, poultry, or other animals, wear recommended personal protective equipment (PPE). Wild birds can be infected with avian (bird) influenza (flu) A viruses even if they don't look sick.
      • Do not touch surfaces or materials (e.g., animal litter or bedding material) contaminated with saliva, mucous, or animal feces from wild or domestic birds or other animals with confirmed or suspected avian bird influenza A virus infection.
        • Do not touch or consume raw milk or raw milk products, especially from animals with confirmed or suspected avian influenza A virus infection.

          What to do if you find an infected or potentially infected or dead wild bird or other animal

          State and local governments have different policies for collecting dead and testing sick or dead animals, so check with your state health department, state veterinary diagnostic laboratory, or state wildlife agency for information about reporting animals that look sick or are dead in your area.

          People should avoid unprotected (not using respiratory and eye protection) exposures to sick or dead animals including wild birds, poultry, other domesticated birds, and other wild or domesticated animals. Wildlife agencies regularly investigate reports of sick or dead animals. This type of reporting could help with the early detection of illnesses like West Nile virus or H5N1 bird flu. If local authorities tell you to throw away the bird's carcass (body), don't touch it with your bare hands. Use gloves or a plastic bag turned inside out to place the body in a garbage bag, which can then be thrown away in your regular trash.

          Report sick birds or other animals‎

          People should report sick birds or other animals or unusual bird or other animal deaths to the state or the federal government, either through their state veterinarian or by calling USDA's toll-free number at 1-866-536-7593.

          Find additional information on biosecurity for backyard flocks on USDA's APHIS website.

          What to do if you had direct contact with birds or other animals infected with avian influenza A virus and become sick

          CDC has information available for different groups of people who become sick after contact with infected birds.

          People who become sick within 10 days of their exposure to infected or potentially infected birds or other animals should isolate at home away from their household members and should not go to work or school until they are proven not to have avian influenza A virus infection. The local or state public health department should be notified and can assist in testing if needed, monitoring and advising when isolation is no longer required.

          For more information about bird flu and what to do if you have been exposed to bird flu, visit: What To Know About Bird Flu

          Consuming food

          Eating uncooked or undercooked poultry or beef can make you sick. While there is no evidence that anyone in the United States has gotten infected with avian influenza A viruses after eating properly handled and cooked poultry products, uncooked poultry and poultry products (like blood) could have been the source of a small number of avian influenza A virus infections in people in Southeast Asia. Visit CDC's Chicken and Food Poisoning web page for instructions on handling poultry safely.

          Preparing food

          For poultry:

          • Cooking poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165˚F kills bacteria and viruses, including avian influenza A viruses. People should separate uncooked (raw) poultry from cooked foods and foods that won't be cooked. Cook all poultry and poultry products (including eggs) all the way before eating. More information about safe handling and cooking of poultry can be found here: Chicken and Food Poisoning

            For beef:

            • Cooking beef to the appropriate internal temperature kills bacteria and viruses, including avian influenza A viruses. Cook all beef products thoroughly before eating. Ground beef should reach a safe internal temperature of 160°F and whole cuts of beef should reach 145°F then rest for 3 minutes. Refer to CDC's safer foods table for a complete list of safe internal temperatures.
              • Separate uncooked (raw) beef from cooked foods or foods that won't be cooked to prevent cross-contamination.

                Unpasteurized (raw) milk‎ safety

                • Choosing pasteurized milk and products made with pasteurized milk is the best way to keep you and your family safe. Unpasteurized (raw) milk and products made from raw milk, including soft cheese, ice cream, and yogurt, can be contaminated with germs that can cause serious illness, hospitalization, or death. Pasteurization kills bacteria and viruses, like avian influenza A viruses, in milk. Make the best decision for your health and the health of your family by always choosing pasteurized milk and products made with it.
                  • Anyone, even healthy adults, can get sick from drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk.
                    • Based on the limited research and information available, we do not know at this time if avian influenza A viruses can be transmitted to people through consumption of raw milk and products (such as cheese) made from raw milk from infected cows.
                      • More information is available at How to Prevent Food Poisoning.

                        Raw milk‎

                        Make the best decision for your health and the health of your family by always choosing pasteurized milk and products made with it. Anyone, even healthy adults, can get sick from drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk.

                        Learn more


                        Currently, CDC does not recommend against travel to any countries due to avian influenza A viruses in wild birds, poultry, other animals, or people. CDC recommends that travelers to countries and states with H5N1 bird flu outbreaks in animals or people:

                        • Do not visit poultry farms, bird markets, or other places where live poultry are raised, kept, or sold, if possible. If you must visit such places, wear personal protective equipment and avoid touching poultry or other birds.
                          • Do not visit dairy farms with sick cows, unless wearing personal protective equipment.
                            • Do not eat raw or undercooked poultry products and wash your hands after touching uncooked poultry.
                              • Practice good hygiene.
                                • Visit a doctor if you become sick during or after travel. Tell the doctor that you might have been exposed to infected birds.


                                  CDC currently recommends treatment as soon as possible with flu antiviral drugs for people with suspected or confirmed avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection. Antiviral treatment works best when started as soon as symptoms begin. If you get sick after being in close contact with infected or potentially infected birds or other animals, contact your state or local health department and a health care provider right away. They may have you tested for H5N1 bird flu, and a health care provider may write you a prescription for an antiviral drug to treat your illness. It's important to take the medication as directed.

                                  Available data on avian influenza A viruses spreading worldwide suggest that avian influenza A virus infections can be treated with current flu antiviral drugs.

                                  Antivirals may also be given soon after unprotected exposure (not using respiratory and eye protection) to a sick person with confirmed or probable A(H5N1) virus infection or after unprotected exposure to sick or dead poultry or other infected animals to help prevent infection and illness.

                                  Keep Reading:How to Treat Bird Flu Viruses in People


                                  Getting a seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against H5N1 bird flu

                                  While getting a seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against H5N1 bird flu, it is important that people who may have frequent exposure to infected or potentially infected birds or other animals get a seasonal flu vaccine, ideally 2 weeks before their potential exposure. This is because it can reduce the risk of getting sick with human and avian influenza A viruses at the same time.

                                  The U.S. Government is developing vaccines against avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in case they are needed

                                  Seasonal flu vaccines do not provide protection against avian influenza A viruses. CDC has developed H5 candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) that are nearly identical or, in many cases, identical to the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of recently detected clade avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses in humans, birds and other mammals. These H5 CVVs could be used to produce a vaccine for people, if needed, and preliminary analysis show that they are expected to provide good protection against avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses currently circulating in birds and other animals. More information about Making a candidate Vaccine Virus (CVV) for a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus is available.

                                  If you're a clinician, laboratorian, or public health worker, visit Avian Influenza: Information for Health Professionals and Laboratorians for the latest guidance.

                                  Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in People (2024)


                                  Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in People? ›

                                  CDC currently recommends treatment as soon as possible with flu antiviral drugs for people with suspected or confirmed avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection. Antiviral treatment works best when started as soon as symptoms begin.

                                  What antivirals are used for avian influenza? ›

                                  Most avian influenza A(H7N9), A(H5N1), and A(H5N6) viruses are susceptible to the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, peramivir and zanamivir) and baloxavir, but are often resistant to the adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine).

                                  How do you treat avian influenza in humans? ›

                                  Treatment with the antiviral medicine oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) may make the disease less severe. For the medicine to work, you need to start taking it within 48 hours after your symptoms start. Oseltamivir may also be prescribed for people who live in the same house as people with avian flu.

                                  How can you prevent avian influenza virus? ›

                                  Prevention of Avian Influenza

                                  People should avoid contact with sick or dead animals, especially wild and domesticated birds, poultry, and cattle. Raw or undercooked food products, such as unpasteurized milk and dairy products, should also be avoided.

                                  Which of the following is a treatment option for avian influenza? ›

                                  If identified early, you can treat bird flu with antiviral medications. A provider might prescribe: Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®). Peramivir (Rapivab®).

                                  What kills avian flu virus? ›

                                  For poultry:

                                  Cooking poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165˚F kills bacteria and viruses, including avian influenza A viruses. People should separate uncooked (raw) poultry from cooked foods and foods that won't be cooked. Cook all poultry and poultry products (including eggs) all the way before eating.

                                  What antivirals can be used for the treatment of influenza? ›

                                  For outpatients with suspected or confirmed uncomplicated influenza, oral oseltamivir, inhaled zanamivir, intravenous peramivir, or oral baloxavir may be used for treatment, depending upon approved age groups and contraindications.

                                  Can humans recover from bird flu? ›

                                  In both cases, the people who tested positive for bird flu only had symptoms of eye infections (conjunctivitis has been associated with previous human avian influenza A infections). Both cases were mild and both people have recovered.

                                  How do people become infected with avian influenza? ›

                                  Humans can have contact with avian flu virus when a person touches a surface with virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus can also be inhaled from droplets or dust in the air.

                                  What does avian flu look like in humans? ›

                                  The signs and symptoms of bird flu virus infections in humans range from no symptoms or mild illness such as eye redness or mild flu-like upper respiratory symptoms to severe illness such as pneumonia requiring hospitalization. Other symptoms may include: fever or feeling feverish.

                                  How do you clean up avian flu? ›

                                  Cleanup and Testing

                                  The HPAI virus must be eliminated from the barn or poultry house, equipment, and all affected areas of the property. Effective methods include, among others: “dry” cleaning and then heat treatment, wet cleaning, or chemical treatments.

                                  What is the main cause of avian flu? ›

                                  Avian influenza, also known as 'bird flu', is a disease primarily affecting birds and is caused by a virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. According to its subtype, it may be classified as high or low pathogenicity, presenting different symptoms in infected birds.

                                  How long can avian flu virus survive? ›

                                  They can survive longer under cold and wet conditions (weeks to months) than under warm, dry conditions (hours to days). Therefore, routine cleaning and disinfection is recommended in areas that may become contaminated with infectious particles.

                                  What is the best treatment for avian influenza? ›

                                  Treatment for bird flu

                                  You may be given an antiviral medicine such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza). Antiviral medicines help reduce the severity of the condition, prevent complications and improve the chances of survival.

                                  What antiviral drugs are used to treat avian influenza? ›

                                  Zanamivir (Relenza)

                                  Inhibitor of neuraminidase, which is a glycoprotein on the surface of the influenza virus that destroys the infected cell's receptor for viral hemagglutinin.

                                  Are there any antiviral drugs? ›

                                  Drugs that combat viral infections are called antiviral drugs. There are no effective antiviral drugs for many viral infections. However, there are several drugs for influenza, a couple of drugs for herpesviruses, and some new antiviral drugs for treatment of HIV and hepatitis C infections.

                                  What is the medicine for the bird flu? ›

                                  Bird Flu Treatment
                                  • Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
                                  • Peramivir (Rapivab)
                                  • Zanamivir (Relenza)
                                  Jun 4, 2024

                                  Does Tamiflu work on bird flu? ›

                                  And that's consistent with the effect of the antivirals against past avian influenza strains,” Schaffner said. This includes neuraminidase inhibitors, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Relenza), and peramivir (Rapivab), as well as the polymerase inhibitor baloxavir (Xofluza).

                                  Can acyclovir treat influenza? ›

                                  ACYCLOVIR (ay SYE kloe veer) treats infections caused by viruses. This medication will not treat colds, the flu, or infections caused by bacteria. This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

                                  How is avian influenza in poultry treated? ›

                                  Infected poultry typically are euthanized and poultry products destroyed when HPAI infection is confirmed.

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                                  Name: Jerrold Considine

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                                  Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.