What Is the Slow-Carb Diet? A Review and Guide (2024)

  • Rules
    • What are the rules of the slow-carb diet?
  • Foods to Eat
    • What can you eat on a slow-carb diet?
  • Foods to Avoid
    • What foods should you avoid on a slow-carb diet?
  • Cheat Day
    • What is the cheat day on the slow-carb diet?
  • Supplements
    • What supplements are recommended on the slow-carb diet?
  • 4 Benefits
    • 4 benefits of the slow-carb diet
  • Risks
    • What are the risks and side effects of the slow-carb diet?
  • Tips
    • How to get the best results from the slow-carb diet
  • Sample Meals
    • What does a sample meal plan on the slow-carb diet look like?
  • Should You Try It
    • Should you try thes low-carb diet?
  • Comments
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What Is the Slow-Carb Diet? A Review and Guide (1)

Here is everything you need to know about the slow-carb diet

The slow-carb diet is a flexible eating strategy that can help you lose weight by focusing on restricting carbs and other foods for six days and having one cheat day a week.

On a slow-carb diet, you eat foods from the five main food groups that take longer to digest, such as vegetables, legumes, fats, animal protein, and spices. While you are encouraged to exercise and take supplements, the supplements are optional and not mandatory.

Here is everything you need to know about the slow-carb diet.

What are the rules of the slow-carb diet?

1. Avoid “white” carbs

The slow-carb diet requires you to stay away from starchy foods and anything made from grains (including corn, rice, and quinoa), potatoes, and flour. Instead, you should eat carbs that take longer to digest, such as low-carb vegetables and legumes.

It is important to remember, however, that each person digests high-carb foods differently.

2. Eat the same few meals repeatedly

Eating the same meals over and over again will reduce the pressure of dieting and the risk of overeating. You can select a few go-to slow-carb recipes and mix and match them to build meals for the week.

3. Do not drink calories

Compared to solid calories, liquid calories are less filling and have very little nutritional value. This means that when on theslow-carb diet, you should stay away from soda, juice, smoothies, alcohol, and milk.

For best results, you should stick to water, tea, or coffee. Though red wine and diet soda are low in calories, they can indirectly contribute to delayed weight reduction.

4. Avoid fruits

While fruit is good for you, one of the goals of this diet is to avoid high-sugar foods, which include fruit. Fruits are high in fructose, which is transported into cells via a different transporter than glucose. Once fructose is in the liver, it produces glycerol and increases fat formation. This is less likely to happen when there is a deficit of fructose in the body.

Avocados and tomatoes are the only exceptions to this rule because they contain relatively little sugar.

5. Take one day off per week

You can set aside one day each week where you can eat whatever you want. On a cheat day, you can ignore the rules and indulge in foods you have been craving.

What can you eat on a slow-carb diet?

Foods that are allowed on the slow-carb diet include:

  • Protein
    • Chicken
    • Pork
    • Beef
    • Egg whites and a few yolks
    • Whey protein supplement
  • Legumes
    • Soybeans
    • Black beans
    • Pinto beans
    • Lentils
  • Vegetables
    • Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale
    • Fermented vegetables, including sauerkraut and kimchi
    • Peas
    • Asparagus
    • Spinach
  • Fats
    • Nuts
    • Ghee
    • Olive oil
    • Grape seed oil
    • Macadamia oil
  • Spices
    • Salt
    • Garlic salt
    • White truffle salt

What foods should you avoid on a slow-carb diet?

You should avoid the following foods on the slow-carb diet:

  • Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, berries, etc.
  • Starchy vegetables: Potatoes, yams, beets, etc.
  • Grains: Wheat, corn, rice, cereal, oats, etc.
  • Sugar: Honey, agave, maple syrup, etc.
  • Dairy: Yogurt, cream, half and half, cheese, etc.
  • Drinks: Soda, alcohol, juice, smoothies, etc.

Foods that some slow-carb dieters may be able to successfully reintroduce into their diets include:

  • Pumpkin
  • Squash
  • Beets
  • Parsnips
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Jicama
  • Berries
  • Sugar-free cottage cheese
  • Parmesan cheese and other hard cheeses
QUESTION According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

What is the cheat day on the slow-carb diet?

On your cheat day, you can eat any food you want and as much as you want. While you can choose any day to be your cheat day, most people choose Saturday.

Having a cheat day once a week is intended to prevent your metabolic rate from slowing down as a result of low-calorie consumption. Dieting and restricting calories can damage thyroid function, which can make it harder to lose weight because it can cause your body to burn fewer calories.

What supplements are recommended on the slow-carb diet?

While it is not necessary to take supplements on the slow-carb diet, proponents of the diet claim that they may help you stick to your eating plan by reducing appetite and promoting recovery after exercise.

Because a slow-carb diet increases urination and causes some people to lose too much water and electrolytes, you may want to include more of these minerals and electrolytes in your daily routine through food and supplements. This is particularly true if you enter ketosis while following the diet, which occurs when your body starts producing ketone bodies to be used for energy instead of carbohydrates.

The slow-carb diet suggests taking potassium, magnesium, and calcium supplements. Other supplements include:

  • Policosanol
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Green tea extract (which contains epigallocatechin gallate)
  • Garlic extract

The proposed benefits of taking these supplements include the following:

  • Enhance energy
  • Boost metabolism
  • Combat oxidative stress
  • Support concentration or focus
  • Reduce inflammation

A high-quality probiotic, multivitamin, and vitamin D supplement can boost gut health, energy, and immune function, making the slow carb-diet more effective.

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4 benefits of the slow-carb diet

1. Helps with weight loss

Eating carbs that are slow to digest can bring you many of the same benefits as a low-carb diet. One of these benefits is weight loss.

Studies have reported that foods high in fiber and protein can help reduce weight and lower the risk of obesity by increasing satiety. Additionally, you may be able to reduce your calorie intake using this method without experiencing significant hunger.

Low-carb diets can help reduce insulin release, a critical hormone that results in an anabolic, fat-storing state. Improved cardiometabolic function and advantages beyond metabolic health may result from decreased insulin secretion.

Although not randomized, a controlled clinical experiment claimed that it tested this diet on 3,500 people for 4 weeks and discovered the following results:

  • 84% of the participants lost weight
  • The average weight loss was 8.6 pounds
  • 14% of participants dropped more than 14 pounds

2. Supports healthy blood sugar levels

There is evidence to support the claim that the slow-carb diet can help normalize blood sugar levels. As a result, it improves glycemic control and reduces the risk of insulin resistance, type II diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

3. Easier to sustain

While the diet can be restrictive, there is some flexibility because of one cheat day a day.

Giving yourself a break and enjoying your favoritemeals may help you eat healthilyand stick to the diet the majority of the time. Looking forward to the cheat day can also help you feel less deprived and make it more likely that you will not quit the diet entirely.

4. May you save money and time

The slow-carb diet is easy to follow and inexpensive. You may discover that it helps you get into the habit of cooking more at home since the meals are usually simple and can be prepared using affordable items that are widely available.

What are the risks and side effects of the slow-carb diet?

Overall, the slow-carb diet appears to be risk-free for most people, but there are some drawbacks to consider. For example, eliminating fruit entirely from your diet can be viewed as unnecessarily restrictive and difficult to sustain.

Overdoing it on a cheat day can be dangerous because it can hinder your weight loss efforts, cause digestive problems, and increase cravings. This is especially true if you eat a lot of unhealthy, highly processed foods on your cheat day.

If you are worried about consuming too much animal protein, perhaps due to its negative effects on the environment, you can incorporate more plant protein in your meals, such as beans, lentils, and tempeh.

Eating the same meals over and over can get boring and reduce the variety of nutrients you consume. If you find yourself feeling sluggish or overly hungry, you may want to consider increasing the variety of foods in your diet.

How to get the best results from the slow-carb diet

Prioritize your food and beverage selections for optimal results

Eat plenty of vegetables and eggs. According to a study, egg and vegetable consumption was strongly correlated with weight loss results in the slow-carb diet.

In contrast, alcohol consumption was linked to poor performance. As a result, on the slow-carb diet and cheat day, it is best to limit overall alcohol consumption.

Get the right amountofprotein at each meal

The slow-carb diet suggests having a meal with at least 30 grams of protein within an hour of waking up. This may help you maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day and promote satiety.

After breakfast, meals should be had 4 hours apart, typically resulting in 3-4 meals per day. Each meal should contain more than 20 grams of protein.

Even though it is recommended to avoid snacking, if you feel hungry after a meal, you can have a small meal of just protein or protein and veggies.

Limit calorie-dense foods that are easy to overeat

On the slow-carb diet, healthy foods such as almonds, nut butter, and hummus are permitted, but it is easy to overeat them. Watch your portion sizes and make sure you are limiting your consumption of high-calorie foods.

Do not count calories

Rather than counting calories, focus on eating slow-carb items until you are full. To make the most of your meals and feel full for longer, chew each bite carefully and slowly. This will help lower your glycemic response and prevent cravings.

Start small and build from there

Begin with small, reasonable dietary changes and gradually incorporate more rules into your routine as you get more comfortable.

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What does a sample meal plan on the slow-carb diet look like?

Some appropriate types of meals for the slow-carb diet include the following:

  • Slow-carb breakfasts
    • Scrambled egg whites (or with one yolk)
    • Spinach omelet
    • Cottage cheese with sliced almonds
  • Slow-carb lunches
    • Grilled chicken with asparagus
    • Lentil bean salad
    • Spinach salad with tuna fish
  • Slow-carb dinners
    • Salmon with roasted broccoli
    • Stir-fry with all the allowed vegetables and soybeans
    • Grilled steak with cauliflower

Should you try the slow-carb diet?

If you like the idea of sticking to a strict low-carb diet most of the time while still having some flexibility, the slow-carb diet may be a good option for you.

Slow-carb foods such as lentils and beans are generally avoided on keto diets because they still contain a substantial amount of carbs. However, you can enjoy these while you are on a slow-carb diet.

Medically Reviewed on 9/14/2022


Image Source: iStock images

Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight? https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/low-carb-diet/art-20045831

Low Carbohydrate Diet https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537084/

Very Low Carbohydrate and Ketogenic Diets and Cardiometabolic Risk https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/articles/2020/10/07/13/54/very-low-carbohydrate-and-ketogenic-diets-and-cardiometabolic-risk

Carbohydrate intake and short-term regulation of leptin in humans https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9084976/

What Is the Slow-Carb Diet? A Review and Guide (2024)


What Is the Slow-Carb Diet? A Review and Guide? ›

The slow-carb diet is based on very low carbohydrates and high protein consumption. Proponents claim that it helps increase your metabolic rate and prevents fat storage. The slow-carb diet was created in 2010 by Timothy Ferriss, author of the book The 4-Hour Body.

What are the 5 rules of the slow carb diet? ›

  • Build each of your meals from the list below, picking one item from each of the three. ...
  • Avoid “white” starchy carbo- hydrates (or those that can be white). ...
  • Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch. ...
  • Don't drink calories. ...
  • Don't eat fruit. ...
  • Eat as much as you like.

What is a slow carb diet plan? ›

The slow-carb diet requires you to stay away from starchy foods and anything made from grains (including corn, rice, and quinoa), potatoes, and flour. Instead, you should eat carbs that take longer to digest, such as low-carb vegetables and legumes.

What foods are not allowed on a slow carb diet? ›

To adhere to The Slow-Carb Diet, avoid the following foods: Grains and starchy carbs, such as bread, pasta, rice, cereal and tortillas — whether processed or from whole grains. Potatoes and starchy veggies should also be avoided.

Can you eat eggs on the slow carb diet? ›

So now that we've eliminated everything in your current diet, what do you eat for this slow carb diet? Tim suggests eggs, meat, fish, legumes (beans and lentils), and lots of vegetables. It's ok to have coffee and red wine, but you should avoid soda and fruit juice.

Is coffee allowed on slow carb diet? ›

This diet recommends drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Other suggested drinks include unsweetened tea, coffee or any other calorie-free beverage. The basis of this rule is that beverages provide little to no nutritional value.

Is peanut butter a slow carb? ›

Share on Pinterest Nuts and nut butters are high in protein and fiber, so they release their energy slowly. Nuts and no added sugar nut butters are low in carbohydrates. They are also high in fiber and protein, which increases the amount of time the body takes to digest them.

Are potatoes allowed on slow carb diet? ›

THE FIVE RULES OF THE SLOW-CARB DIET RULE #1 Avoid “white” starchy carbohydrates (or those that can be white). This means no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, or grains. RULE #2 Eat the same few meals over and over again, especially for breakfast and lunch.

Can I eat cheese on a slow carb diet? ›

The Slow-Carb Diet nixes all grains, most fruit and all dairy except cottage cheese.

Can I eat butter on a slow carb diet? ›

There are several main principles of the slow carb diet:

Low-glycemic carbs include vegetables and beans, while no-carb foods include meats, eggs, fish and fats like oil and butter. Don't eat fruit, added sugar or “white carbs” six out of seven days of the week. Avoid consuming sugary drinks.

What snack foods have no carbs? ›

Zero Carb Snacks:
  • Cheese: A savory and satisfying snack, cheese is low in carbs and high in flavor. ...
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs: Packed with protein and virtually carb-free, hard-boiled eggs make for a portable and nutritious snack. ...
  • Pork Rinds: Crispy and carb-free, pork rinds are a savory alternative to traditional snacks.

Why do I feel weak on a slow carb diet? ›

Weakness and fatigue—sometimes called "keto flu"—are common side effects of a low-carb diet. This can also have a negative impact on your workouts, as you may not feel like you have the strength to push through a sweat session like you used to.

What condiments are allowed on slow carb diet? ›

Keep the following low- or no-carb condiments on hand to give your food flavor:
  • Mustard, with the exception of sweetened mustards, especially honey mustard.
  • Cider and wine vinegars. ...
  • Dried herbs and spices. ...
  • Fresh herbs such as basil, chives, cilantro, dill, parsley.
  • Seasoning salts and peppers.
  • Coconut milk.

What are the 5 rules of slow carb? ›

The slow-carb diet is based on the following five fundamental rules, per the founder:
  • Avoid "white" starchy carbohydrates. ...
  • Aim to eat the same meals and foods consistently. ...
  • Prioritize low-calorie drinks (especially water). ...
  • Don't eat fruit. ...
  • Take one day "off" of the diet every week.
Apr 16, 2024

Are pickles allowed on slow carb diet? ›

Yes — as long as you don't eat excessive amounts, pickles are a perfect low-carb, keto-friendly snack to hold you over until your next meal. Just be careful when choosing store-bought brands, as some products contain added sugars.

Can I eat popcorn on a slow carb diet? ›

Is corn allowed on the Slow-Carb Diet? Is corn allowed on the Slow-Carb Diet? Nope, popcorn on cheat day good filler. No corn, loaded with starch.

Why no fruit on slow carb diet? ›

RULE #4 Don't eat fruit. Generally speaking: Fructose —> glycerol phosphate —> more body fat. Five hundred years ago, your ancestors probably didn't eat oranges in December. Get vitamin C from your veggies.

What are the best slow carb foods? ›

All non-starchy vegetables contain slow carbs. Excellent examples include leafy greens, like spinach and kale, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and asparagus. Starchy vegetables include corn, potatoes, squash and most root vegetables.

Why is cheese not allowed on slow carb diet? ›

That's why fructose is not included on the Slow Carb diet food list. Rule #7: Don't eat dairy, except for cottage cheese. Even though dairy products have a low glycemic index, they produce a large insulin release, which will make your body store fat.

Can you eat butter on a slow carb diet? ›

There are several main principles of the slow carb diet:

Low-glycemic carbs include vegetables and beans, while no-carb foods include meats, eggs, fish and fats like oil and butter. Don't eat fruit, added sugar or “white carbs” six out of seven days of the week. Avoid consuming sugary drinks.

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