Ålborg akvavit | distilled liquor (2024)

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The only brand exported from Denmark, it is produced by Danish Distilleries, a private organization granted the sole right to produce alcohol and yeast since 1927 under a monopoly of the Danish…","publisher":{"logo":{"url":"https://corporate.britannica.com/wp-content/themes/eb-corporate/_img/logo.png","@type":"ImageObject"},"name":"Encyclopedia Britannica","@type":"Organization"},"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"article"},"studentArticle":false,"showHeader":true,"initialLoad":true,"comingFromSameArticle":false}

Ålborg akvavit


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distilled liquor

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aquavit production

  • In aquavit

    …best known Danish types is Ålborg akvavit, named for a small town in Jutland, on Denmark’s northern coast. The only brand exported from Denmark, it is produced by Danish Distilleries, a private organization granted the sole right to produce alcohol and yeast since 1927 under a monopoly of the Danish…

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Ålborg akvavit | distilled liquor (2024)


What kind of alcohol is aquavit? ›

A neutral spirit distilled from grain or potato (much like vodka or gin), aquavit is most commonly flavored with caraway as its dominant spice, though dill is prevalent as well. Styles of aquavit vary and often include other spices, such as fennel, coriander, citrus and anise.

Is aquavit sold in the US? ›

Lysholm Linie — The most widely available Scandinavian aquavit in the United States. Distilled from potatoes and flavored primarily with caraway and anise, this spirit is uniquely aged for about four months in sherry barrels that travel by ship twice across the equator.

What is the alcohol content of Aalborg akvavit? ›

Light golden colour, high fill. 45% ABV.

What is Aalborg akvavit made of? ›

Aalborg Export Akvavit was launched in 1913 by founder CA Olesen. This Danish aquavit is made from a distillate of barley and has spent a short amount of time in sherry casks. Caraway is the dominant botanical.

Can you drink aquavit straight? ›

Hakan says that traditionally, there's one way to drink aquavit: straight. “Growing up in Sweden, it would be heresy to mix it up into co*cktails,” he said. But when he opened Aquavit, he saw people sipping, not shooting, and trying it mixed with all kinds of different things.

What's the best way to drink aquavit? ›

In both the Scandinavian countries and northern Germany, aquavit is usually served chilled and unmixed, in small (tulip) glasses, and is usually accompanied by appetizers or sandwiches. Some drinkers prefer it in shots, a glass at a time, because they find the taste of aquavit difficult to accommodate.

Does aquavit taste like vodka? ›

What Does Aquavit Taste Like? Aquavit, especially when unaged, has a neutral background flavor similar to vodka. At the forefront are the flavorings, with caraway up top—think rye bread but in spirit form. The herbaceous flavor is supported by other aromatics like dill, fennel, anise, and clove.

What is aquavit most similar to? ›

In essence, aquavit is like a gin that's flavored with caraway or dill, rather than juniper. Or, for those poor souls still clinging to their vodka: Aquavit is like a vodka laced with savory herbs. It's difficult to understate how central aquavit is to the traditional tables of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

Is aquavit legal in the US? ›

Under American regulations, aquavit must be flavored with caraway, much like gin must be flavored with juniper (European laws allow caraway or dill.) Beyond that requirement, the range of possibilities for making aquavit is incredibly broad.

Does aquavit taste like gin? ›

Aquavit is a traditional spirit from the Scandinavian peninsula. If gin is vodka flavored with juniper berries, aquavit is vodka flavored with either dill or caraway. Like gin, other ingredients can be used to flavor the spirit, typically cardamom, cumin, anise, fennel, grains of paradise, and citrus peels.

Do you sip aquavit? ›

Sip and enjoy together with food

Start with a bite of food, then sip the aquavit slowly to appreciate the aged quality and diverse aromas. LINIE Aquavit isn't just a flavor bomb itself — when sipped and enjoyed properly, the aquavit will release the aromas from the food and enhance the overall taste experience.

Did Vikings drink aquavit? ›

Aquavit is powerful spirit from Scandinavia (the land of the Vikings!) that tastes strongly of caraway seed. The name means water of life.

Do Swedes drink aquavit? ›

Akvavit is an important part of Nordic drinking culture, where it is often drunk during festive gatherings, such as Christmas dinners and the Midsummer celebration, and as an aperitif. In Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, aquavit is chilled and often drunk in a single gulp from a small shot glass.

Should aquavit be chilled? ›

In Sweden, Denmark and Germany aquavit is served chilled and in a small shot glass. In Finland and Sweden, it's common to drink aquavit at summer crayfish parties. Things are a little different in Norway, where the drink is typically served at room temperature in special tulip-shaped glasses.

Is akvavit strong? ›

Aquavit is a strong spirit originating in the Nordic countries, at least 37.5% in the alcohol strength department, with a dominant taste of caraway, dill, or both. In the cool North of Europe, a proud aquavit bottle is the maypole around which celebrations swing.

What is aquavit similar to? ›

Like gin, aquavit is a distilled spirit (usually from grain or potatoes, whereas gin in Australia is usually distilled from grain, grape or sugar) flavoured with at least one botanical. In gin, we expect a flavour punch of juniper, among a variety of other botanicals preferred by the distiller.

What is the difference between gin and aquavit? ›

Aquavit is a traditional spirit from the Scandinavian peninsula. If gin is vodka flavored with juniper berries, aquavit is vodka flavored with either dill or caraway. Like gin, other ingredients can be used to flavor the spirit, typically cardamom, cumin, anise, fennel, grains of paradise, and citrus peels.

Is aquavit the same as Schnapps? ›

Schnapps and aquavit are two spirits that are very close to the Nordic region and have a long and traditional history. The two alcoholic drinks share a few similarities, but are fundamentally very different.

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