Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (2024)

When the time comes to build a new barn on your property, you’ll have a few important decisions to make. You will need to decide where the barn is going to go, how big it will be, and more. In this post, we’d like to take a look at another important choice in this process–the material that you will use to construct the barn. There are two main options available today, wood and metal, and each can offer some nice benefits. Let’s view the pros and cons of a metal barn versus a wood barn.

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A Classic Look

Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (1)

Traditionally, barns have been made from wood. Using wood as a building material was a viable choice long before it was possible to use metal in the same fashion. That said, it makes sense that what you picture as a “classic” barn is a structure made from wood. So, if you are drawn to this traditional look and all the feelings it evokes, you might initially lean toward sticking with wood.

However, as you will soon see, nearly all of the performance advantages you will be looking for in your barn point in the direction of metal. And, once you start to view metal barn designs, colors, and other finishing touches, you might realize that a metal structure can look just as good as wood.

Managing Your Budget

Every project has a budget, and it is likely that you’re concerned with the cost of your new barn as you plan this job. To keep costs under control effectively, go with a metal barn. There are two reasons that a metal barn will cost less than a wood structure. First, the materials are less expensive, since you need less material overall to build a metal barn. Additionally, there is a shorter construction process for this kind of building, meaning you won’t need to spend as much on labor. Between those two points, you’ll keep more of your money in your pocket, while still coming away with a beautiful, functional barn space.

The Savings Keep Going

Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (2)

Speaking of saving money, you’ll keep saving well into the future long after the initial construction of your metal barn has been completed. Those future savings are a result of the low maintenance costs associated with a metal structure. There is less that can go wrong with metal as compared to wood, so you will need to perform less maintenance and repairs as the years go by. Where wood structures can deal with issues like rot and insect infestations, those problems are not an issue when metal is used.

Get It Done

Are you in a hurry to have your new barn completed? If you are trying to beat a specific deadline for this project, like the arrival of winter, it’s a good idea to opt for metal. As mentioned above, building a metal barn takes much less time than building a similar structure out of wood, so you will have a far easier time hitting your completion date when metal is your material of choice.

Depending on the design of your barn, and what you plan to do inside the barn when it’s completed, there might be less site-prep work required for a metal structure, as well. This is a point that depends on the specifics of the project, however, so you’ll want to consult with the appropriate expert before settling on how you will prepare the area for the new barn.

Easy to Customize a Metal Barn

Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (3)

No two barns are exactly alike. You may need certain kinds of access to your barn to move animals or machines in and out, or you might want to add custom elements to achieve a specific look. Whatever the needs of your project happen to be, it will be easy to compose the perfect structure by working with metal. In fact, right here on our website, you can use our to put together the exact type of barn you would like to own—and you’ll get an immediate estimate of the cost. This kind of flexibility is not offered with wood barns, so you might not be able to get exactly what you want with this material.

Order from American Steel Carports, Inc.

Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (4)

After weighing the pros and cons of a metal barn versus a wood barn, you can see that metal will save you money and will provide you with a number of important performance advantages. To get started on your new barn project, use the Build & Price tool from American Steel Carports, Inc., to design your ideal custom structure.

Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (5)
Metal Barn vs. Wood Barn Pros & Cons | American Steel Carports, Inc. (2024)


Is metal barn better than wood? ›

Metal provides greater structural strength, making it suitable for larger and taller buildings. Metal frames are inherently more fire-resistant than wood frames, reducing the risk of fire damage.

Is it cheaper to build a pole barn or metal building? ›

Customizable metal buildings are generally less expensive to build than a wooden pole barn, but that doesn't mean they are of lesser value. A stronger foundation, higher quality materials, and less required maintenance over the life of the metal building will save you money on all fronts.

What is the difference between a pole barn and a metal barn? ›

Pole barns are buildings made of wooden frames that are screwed and nailed together, while metal buildings are constructed using solid steel frames that are bolted together on-site. Typically, both types of building kits are delivered with steel panels for siding and roofing.

How long will a metal barn last? ›

Properly maintained steel buildings can last over 50-100 years. The durability and lifespan depend on the quality of materials used, weather conditions, regular maintenance, and preventative care.

Is it cheaper to build a wood or metal carport? ›

Cost. The cost of building a metal carport pales in comparison to a wood carport. It is cheaper from the start because there is less waste when building. Metal carports come prefabricated, so there is no waste.

What is the most cost effective pole barn size? ›

It is important to keep it mind that it is typically most cost-effective to build in 8-, 9- or 10-feet increments because of the standard spacing options for pole barn posts. For example, we would recommend building a 40' x 64' pole barn building versus a 40' x 60' version.

What is the life expectancy of a pole barn? ›

The Common Lifespan

However, the most commonly cited timeline is 40-60 years. But, that doesn't mean that after 40-60 years your pole barn is guaranteed to lose function or no longer be standing. In fact, it is possible that with the proper care, pole barns could last upwards of 100 years.

What is the best way to insulate a metal building? ›

Rigid board insulation is a good continuous insulation solution for metal building roof systems. If left exposed, the material needs to have a class A fire rating. Advantages: easy to install, continuous insulation, reduces thermal bridging.

Why are pole barns so expensive? ›

They can be more expensive than expected.

Things such as labor, materials, site prep and permits can quickly add to the cost of the project if you aren't careful. It's important to make sure that you keep track of all costs that will be associated with building a pole barn so that you can stay within your budget.

Which is stronger pole barn or stick built? ›

Stick built garages are constructed with the traditional process of laying a foundation and building the wood framed structure on top of it. They are considered more durable and longer lasting than most other garage building techniques due to the use of traditional framing techniques on a graded concrete foundation.

Why are pole barns so popular? ›

With minimal foundation requirements and no need for complex concrete foundations or footings, pole barns require less labor and cost much less to construct than traditional wood or steel frame structures. Plus they often look better than other outdoor storage options such as sheds or garages.

What are the negatives about steel? ›

The Cons of Steel Construction

Consequently, the costs of painting and maintaining a steel structure can be high. Steel can also be a conductor of heat, which means it needs to be adequately fireproofed. And lastly, steel can be susceptible to fatigue, fracture or buckling due to manufacturing inconsistencies.

Is it cheaper to build with metal or wood? ›

The short answer is that metal buildings tend to be cheaper depending on a range of factors like the building size, building codes, loads (wind, seismic, snow, etc), design, and accessories. However, the odds of a metal building being cheaper than a wood building goes up fast the larger the building in question.

Is it better to build with wood or metal? ›

Wood buildings may be less expensive and easier to construct, but the longevity and durability of wood don't come close in comparison to steel. Plus, the maintenance of a wood building will cost you more in the long run.

What is the best material for a barn? ›

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF)

While concrete and barns don't seem to go together on the surface, insulated concrete walls and reinforced concrete are the perfect barn construction materials because they offer a huge advantage over timber framing and prefab metal: thermal efficiency and strength.

Do metal buildings last longer than wood? ›

Steel buildings last longer than concrete or wood because durable steel better resists common causes of deterioration (mold, termites, moisture) and more effectively stands up to natural disasters than wood and concrete buildings.

Is metal or wood siding better for barn? ›

Metal roofing and siding is far more durable, with lower maintenance needs than wood. As a result, someone could expect a metal roof or siding to last as much as 50 years with little to no maintenance.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.