Pole Barn Lifespan - Tru-Bilt Building Company - Marion IL (2024)

How Long Do Pole Barns Last

The decision to purchase a pole barn is a big one and probably isn’t taken lightly. Many people considering purchasing a pole barn have the same question- how long do pole barns last? The pole barn lifespan varies, especially considering how well maintained the building is. So, let’s explore the common lifespan of pole barns.

The Common Lifespan

There are a few different numbers that get thrown around by experts when it comes to talking about how long a pole barn is going to last. However, the most commonly cited timeline is 40-60 years.

But, that doesn’t mean that after 40-60 years your pole barn is guaranteed to lose function or no longer be standing. In fact, it is possible that with the proper care, pole barns could last upwards of 100 years. Many builders and experts cite 40-60 years to be on the safe side, but if the owner of a pole barn keeps up with all of the necessary structural upkeep, the building will likely outlast the 40-60 year pole barn lifespan.

Factors that Contribute to Lifespan

Just like any other building, there are specific factors that play a role in how long the building will last. Pole barns are built using a relatively simple design using materials that are long-lasting. The steel used in the cladding or the structural materials that are mostly protected from the elements are not a great area of concern when it comes to the longevity of a pole barn.

The main area of concern for a pole barn occurs underground. The wooden posts of a pole barn are buried underground, leaving them susceptible to rot or other damage. As a result, it’s fairly obvious that the posts need to be maintained and monitored in order to keep the building structurally sound. To combat this issue, pole barn posts are treated and many builders set the posts in concrete to prevent rotting and improve the strength of the structure.

In addition, as the post-frame construction industry continues to evolve, pole barns are becoming more durable and structurally sound for longer. Industry standards have led to continued improvements that will help extend the pole barn lifespan.

Pole Barns at Tru-Bilt Buildings

Interested in building your dream pole barn or pole barn home? The team at Tru-Bilt will help you build your new barn or home that will stand the test of time. Contact us today to learn more about warranties and financing options.

Pole Barn Lifespan - Tru-Bilt Building Company - Marion IL (2024)


How many years will a pole barn last? ›

The Common Lifespan

However, the most commonly cited timeline is 40-60 years. But, that doesn't mean that after 40-60 years your pole barn is guaranteed to lose function or no longer be standing. In fact, it is possible that with the proper care, pole barns could last upwards of 100 years.

How much is it to build a pole barn house in Illinois? ›

Average cost to build a pole barn house

The average cost to build a finished pole barn house is $50 to $150 per square foot, including the kit and materials, assembly, site prep, and finishing the interior.

How much does it cost to build a 40x60 stick built shop? ›

Average 40x60 pole barn cost

A 40x60 pole barn costs $24,000 to $72,000 for the kit alone or $36,000 to $96,000 installed, not including the land, site prep, or a concrete foundation. Pole barn kit prices are $10 to $30 per square foot, while labor to build the barn costs $5 to $10 per square foot.

What is the lifespan of a barn? ›

New neurons are made in just two parts of the brain—the hippocampus, involved in memory and navigation, and the olfactory bulb, involved in smell (and even then only until 18 months of age). Aside from that, your neurons are as old as you are and will last you for the rest of your life.

What are the negatives to a pole barn house? ›

Pole barn homes can be more difficult to heat and cool than traditional homes. This is because the pole barn construction does not provide as much insulation as a traditional home. As a result, pole barn homeowners may see higher energy bills during both the winter and summer months.

How to prevent pole barn posts from rotting? ›

Posted January 17, 2023
  1. Make sure that the columns are properly sealed when they are first installed. ...
  2. Inspect the columns regularly for any signs of water damage or rotting. ...
  3. If the columns are made of wood, you can try coating them with a sealant or waterproofing agent to help protect them from the elements.
Jan 17, 2023

How much does a 40x60 concrete slab cost? ›

$14,400 – $19,200

If you want a more accurate estimate of costs, call a few local contractors to gather some estimates. Ask for a ballpark estimate on a 40×60 slab. Compare prices to get a better feel for the average cost in your area.

How much does it cost to insulate a 40x60 shop? ›

Generally, a basic, R-13 single-layer insulation system will run you roughly $0.50 per square foot, while on the opposite end, a high R-value, R-30 double-layer system can cost as much as $1.50 per square foot. So, as far as materials, you're looking at between $1,200 – $3,600 to insulate a 40'x60' steel building.

Is a stick-built garage cheaper than a pole barn? ›

Cost is important to consider, of course, when discussing pole barns vs. stick-built buildings. Because pole barns are built with fewer materials and labor hours, they tend to be more cost-effective.

How far should your barn be from your house? ›

He recommends 75 feet between the house and the barn, but on smaller properties, even closer would be OK. Apart from regular, daily chores, consider how veterinarians can access the barn with their vehicles and where you can back a trailer to the barn door.

Is it worth saving an old barn? ›

If the barn is very old and/or rare, it can be worth restoring it just to preserve it. This is especially true if the barn is located in an area that is not growing in popularity. Yes, old barns are worth restoring because they are a part of our history and culture.

How long will a metal barn last? ›

Properly maintained steel buildings can last over 50-100 years. The durability and lifespan depend on the quality of materials used, weather conditions, regular maintenance, and preventative care.

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