Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference? (2024)

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Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference?

  • 10 min read

Get ready for a culinary clash that's as delicious as it is legendary—Pizza vs. Flatbread! These two beloved dishes share the spotlight in kitchens worldwide, yet their subtle differences make each a unique delight for our taste buds.

In this sizzling showdown, we'll explore the top 5 distinctions that set pizza and flatbread apart. From doughy dramas to topping tales, saucy situations, cheese choices, and even a trip around the globe, it's time to unravel the mysteries behind these delectable creations.

So, grab a seat at the table and join us on this flavor-filled journey as we dive deep into the world of pizza and flatbread, discovering what makes each a culinary masterpiece in its own right!

Flatbread vs Pizza

  1. Dough Drama:

    • Pizza:It's all about that fluffy, chewy crust! Pizza dough usually contains yeast, giving it time to rise and develop its signature texture. This results in a thicker, bread-like base that's perfect for loading up with toppings.

    • Flatbread:Think thin and crispy! Traditional flatbread dough tends to be a simpler affair, often made without a leavening agent (ie, yeast). The lack of rising time in this unleavened dough results in a thinner, crisper crust that's more akin to a giant cracker than a pillowy pizza base.

  2. Topping Tales:

  3. Saucy Situations:

    • Pizza:The saucier, the better! Pizza sauces are often tomato-based and play a crucial role in adding moisture and depth to the dish. Whether it's a classic marinara or a white sauce, the right base can elevate your pizza experience.

    • Flatbread:A hint of sauce will do! Flatbread recipes may feature a light drizzle of olive oil, a smear of pesto, or a touch of yogurt-based sauce. It's about complementing the toppings without overwhelming the delicate balance of flavors.

  4. Cheese Choices:

    • Pizza:Melty, gooey, and abundant! Pizza is a cheese lover's paradise. Mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan—take your pick. The cheese on pizza is often a key player in creating that irresistible, stretchy goodness we all know and love.

    • Flatbread:Less cheese, more finesse! Flatbreads embrace a restrained approach to cheese. A sprinkle of feta, a few crumbles of goat cheese, or a light dusting of Parmesan is all it takes to enhance the overall experience without drowning out other flavors.

  5. Cultural Origins:

    • Pizza:The Italian Stallion! Hailing from Naples, Italy, pizza has conquered the world with its versatile and comforting appeal. Whether you're a fan of the classic Margherita or the adventurous BBQ chicken pizza, there's a slice for everyone.

    • Flatbread:A Global Affair! Flatbreads are a culinary canvas found in various cultures—naan in India, pita in the Middle East, and lavash in Armenia. Each region puts its unique spin on flatbreads, making them a global favorite with diverse flavor profiles.

Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference? (1)

Store-bought vs Homemade

Regardless of whether you want a pizza or flatbread, the age-old debate between store-bought and homemade often arises. While convenience may tip the scales in favor of pre-packaged options lining the shelves in grocery stores, the differences between store-bought and their homemade counterparts are palpable.

Most store-bought doughs, though convenient, often contain a list of preservatives and additives to prolong their shelf life. On the flip side, crafting homemade pizza dough at home allows you to control the quality of ingredients, ensuring a fresher and more wholesome product.

The texture and flavor of homemade flatbreads and pizzas are unmatched, offering a delightful chewiness or crispiness depending on your preference. Plus, the aroma that fills your kitchen as the dough transforms into golden rounds is an experience in itself. So, while the convenience of store-bought flatbread is undeniable, the satisfaction, nutritional value, and flavor of crafting your own are worth the extra effort—providing a truly authentic and personalized culinary experience.

5 Popular Flatbreads

Much of the time, the type of bread you are eating is considered various types of flatbread. These are often made with simple ingredients although their flavors suggest years of experience. Here are five types of crust that are flatbread options.

  1. Naan:

    • Originating from South Asia, naan is a leavened flatbread made with all-purpose flour, yogurt, and yeast. It's typically cooked in a tandoor, resulting in a soft, slightly chewy texture. Naan is a versatile flatbread that pairs well with various Indian dishes or can be enjoyed on its own.
  2. Pita:

    • Hailing from the Middle East, pita is a round, pocketed flatbread made with wheat flour. The high heat of an oven causes the dough to puff up, creating a hollow center. Pita bread is perfect for stuffing with falafel, kebabs, or fresh vegetables, making it a staple in Mediterranean cuisine.
  3. Lavash:

    • A thin and unleavened flatbread, lavash has its roots in Armenian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Made with flour, water, and salt, lavash is rolled thin and baked until crisp. It's often served with dips, cheese, or used as a wrap for meats and veggies.
  4. Tortilla:

    • Originating in Mexico, the tortilla is a thin, unleavened flatbread made from corn or wheat flour. Corn tortillas have a distinct flavor and are commonly used for tacos, while larger flour tortillas are popular for burritos and wraps. They're a versatile choice for a wide range of Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes.
  5. Matzo:

    • A traditional Jewish flatbread, matzo is a type of unleavened bread made with only flour and water. It is a central element of the Passover celebration, symbolizing the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt. Matzo has a crisp texture and is often enjoyed with various toppings or used in recipes as a substitute for leavened bread.

These five types of flatbreads showcase the diversity of this beloved food category, each bringing its unique characteristics and cultural significance to the global table. Whether you're indulging in the chewiness of naan or savoring the crunch of lavash, flatbreads are a culinary adventure waiting to be explored.

Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference? (2)

5 Popular Types of Pizzas

If you're a lover of traditional pizza dough, here are five pizzas with the most popular favorite pizza toppings. Whether you're a traditionalist or an adventurous foodie, there's a pizza waiting to steal a slice of your heart.

  1. Margherita:

    • The epitome of simplicity and elegance, the Margherita pizza is a classic Neapolitan creation. Topped with fresh mozzarella, tomato sauce, basil, and a drizzle of olive oil, this pizza celebrates the flavors of Italy in a harmonious combination.
  2. Pepperoni:

    • A perennial favorite, the pepperoni pizza is a crowd-pleaser with its generous layer of spicy, cured pepperoni slices. This American classic often features gooey mozzarella and a zesty tomato sauce, delivering a satisfying blend of savory and tangy notes.
  3. Hawaiian:

    • Mixing sweet and savory, the Hawaiian pizza brings a taste of the tropics to your palate. Topped with ham, pineapple, and melted mozzarella, this controversial yet beloved pizza variety offers a delightful contrast of flavors.
  4. BBQ Chicken:

    • A twist on the traditional, the BBQ chicken pizza swaps tomato sauce for barbecue sauce, creating a smoky and tangy flavor profile. Topped with grilled chicken, red onions, cilantro, and a blend of cheeses, this pizza is a savory-sweet sensation.
  5. Mushroom and Truffle Oil:

    • Catering to the more sophisticated palate, the mushroom and truffle oil pizza is a gourmet delight. Earthy mushrooms, truffle-infused oil, creamy cheeses, and perhaps a sprinkle of fresh herbs create a rich and indulgent flavor experience.

These five popular types of pizzas exemplify the versatility of this beloved dish. Whether you're a fan of the timeless Margherita or an adventurous soul exploring the unique flavors of a BBQ chicken pizza, the world of pizza offers a diverse array of options to suit every taste and craving. So, whether you're a traditionalist or a culinary explorer, there's a pizza variety waiting to captivate your senses.

Simple Homemade Flatbread Crust Recipe


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Additional flour for dusting


  1. Prepare the Dough:

    • In a mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Combine Wet Ingredients:

    • Add the Greek yogurt and olive oil to the dry ingredients. Mix well until a shaggy dough forms.
  3. Knead the Dough:

    • Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for about 5 minutes, or until it becomes smooth and elastic. If the dough is too sticky, add a bit more flour.
  4. Rest the Dough:

    • Place the dough back into the mixing bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rest for 30 minutes. This gives the gluten in the dough time to relax.
  5. Divide and Roll:

    • After the resting period, divide the dough into golf ball-sized portions. On a floured surface, roll each ball into a thin round, about 1/8 inch thick.
  6. Cook the Flatbreads:

    • Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Cook each flatbread for 1-2 minutes per side, or until golden brown spots appear. You can brush the tops with a bit of olive oil for added flavor.
  7. Serve and Enjoy:

    • Once cooked, stack the flatbreads on a plate and cover them with a kitchen towel to keep them warm. Serve with your favorite toppings, dips, or enjoy them plain!

This easy flatbread recipe is not only quick to make but also incredibly versatile. Use it as a base for Mediterranean-inspired toppings, wrap it around your favorite fillings, or tear and dip into your preferred sauces. The possibilities are as endless as your culinary imagination!

FAQs About Flatbread and Pizza

Is Flatbread Pizza Healthier Than Regular Pizza?

The healthiness of flatbread pizza versus a regular type of pizza is not inherent in the type of crust but rather in the overall composition and ingredient choices. Making conscious decisions about toppings, crust, and portion sizes can contribute to a healthier pizza option with fewer calories, regardless of whether it's on a traditional or flatbread crust.

The healthiness of flatbread pizza versus regular pizza depends on various factors, including the specific ingredients used, portion size, and individual dietary preferences. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Crust Thickness:

    • Flatbread pizza often has a thinner crust compared to traditional pizza. A thinner crust can result in a lower calorie and carbohydrate content, making it a potential choice for those looking to reduce their calorie intake.
  2. Ingredients:

    • The healthiness of the pizza depends heavily on the ingredients used. Both flatbread and regular pizza can be made with a variety of toppings, ranging from vegetables and lean proteins to higher-calorie options like processed meats and extra cheese. Choosing fresh, whole ingredients and opting for lean proteins and veggies can enhance the nutritional profile of either type.
  3. Portion Size:

    • Portion control is crucial for overall health. If you choose a smaller portion size and load your pizza with nutritious toppings, it can be a balanced and satisfying meal.
  4. Nutrient Content:

    • Flatbreads made with whole grains or alternative flours can contribute more fiber and nutrients compared to traditional pizza crusts. Consider whole wheat or multigrain flatbreads for added nutritional value.
  5. Sauce and Cheese:

    • Both flatbread and regular pizza can be heavy on sauces and cheese, which can contribute to calorie and fat content. Opting for lighter amounts of cheese or choosing lower-fat cheese options and using tomato-based sauces can be a healthier choice.
  6. Personal Preferences:

    • Dietary preferences and health goals vary among individuals. Some may find flatbread pizza aligns better with their nutritional goals, while others may prefer the heartier, more traditional crust.

Is Flat Crust Pizza Healthier?

The healthiness of flat crust pizza depends on various factors, primarily the choice of ingredients and portion control. Generally, flat crust pizza, often featuring a thinner and sometimes whole grain crust, can be perceived as a potentially healthier option compared to traditional thick-crust pizza. The thin crust may contribute to a lower calorie and carbohydrate content, while whole grain variations can provide added fiber and nutrients.

However, the overall nutritional profile is heavily influenced by toppings, sauce, and cheese choices. Opting for fresh, nutrient-dense toppings, using lighter amounts of cheese, and practicing portion control are essential for making flat crust pizza a healthier choice.

Ultimately, it's about striking a balance between enjoyment and nutritional considerations based on individual dietary preferences and health goals when eating the world's most perfect food.

What is the Difference Between Flatbread and Thin Crust Pizza?

The distinction between flatbread and thin-crust pizza lies in both the composition of the dough and the culinary traditions associated with each.

Flatbread:Flatbread is a category of unleavened or lightly leavened bread that is, as the name suggests, flat. The dough for flatbread can vary widely, incorporating ingredients such as flour, water, salt, and sometimes yeast or baking powder. Flatbreads come in various shapes and sizes and are staples in many cuisines worldwide, like naan in Indian cuisine, pita in Middle Eastern cuisine, or lavash in Armenian cuisine. Humble flatbread is typically thinner than traditional pizza crusts and have a varied texture, ranging from soft and pliable to crisp and cracker-like.

Thin-Crust Pizza:Thin-crust pizza, on the other hand, is a specific style of pizza characterized by a thin and crispy crust. The dough for thin-crust pizza is usually made with flour, water, yeast, salt, and sometimes a small amount of oil. Unlike flatbread, thin-crust pizza dough often undergoes a rising process, albeit a shorter one compared to thicker crusts.

Thin-crust pizza is popular in various regional pizza styles, such as New York or Neapolitan, each with its unique characteristics. The emphasis on a thin, crisp crust allows the toppings to shine without overwhelming the palate with doughiness.

In summary, while both flatbread and thin-crust pizza share the trait of having a thinner crust compared to traditional pizza, flatbreads encompass a broader category of unleavened or lightly leavened bread from diverse culinary traditions, whereas thin-crust pizza refers specifically to a style of pizza with a thin and crispy crust, often associated with certain regional pizza styles.

As we wrap up this culinary face-off between Pizza and Flatbread, we hope your taste buds are tingling with anticipation. Whether you're a die-hard pizza fanatic or a flatbread enthusiast, there's no denying the magic that happens when dough, toppings, and creativity come together.

Now that you've savored the top 5 differences, it's time to delve into the intriguing history behind one of the world's most beloved dishes. Curious about who invented pizza?

Unlock the secrets and embark on a journey through time by reading our blog post, 'Who Invented Pizza' Trust us; it's a slice of history you won't want to miss.

Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference? (2024)


Pizza vs. Flatbread: What's The Difference? ›

The main technical different between flatbread and pizza lies in the dough used. Flatbread calls for unleavened dough, or, dough that doesn't use yeast. Pizza requires dough that has been made using yeast and allowed to rise for a certain amount of time.

Are flatbread and pizza the same? ›

The main technical different between flatbread and pizza lies in the dough used. Flatbread calls for unleavened dough, or, dough that doesn't use yeast. Pizza requires dough that has been made using yeast and allowed to rise for a certain amount of time.

Are flatbreads healthier than pizza? ›

Flatbread pizza often has a thinner crust compared to traditional pizza. A thinner crust can result in a lower calorie and carbohydrate content, making it a potential choice for those looking to reduce their calorie intake.

Is flatbread pizza the same as thin crust? ›

However, in most culinary circles, it is generally agreed-upon that the main difference is that flatbread is thinner and crispier than pizza crust. According to some, even thin-crust pizza should be thicker and chewier than flatbread, which should have a much more crusty, crumbly texture.

Is flatbread healthier? ›

The Flatbread option at Subway is lower in calories and carbohydrates, but it also has about half the amount of protein. You're getting fewer carbs because there's less bread.

What makes a flatbread? ›

A flatbread is bread made usually with flour; water, milk, yogurt, or other liquid; and salt, and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough. Many flatbreads are unleavened, although some are leavened, such as pita bread.

Is flatbread just a tortilla? ›

Tortillas are typically baked on a triple pass oven, while flatbreads are usually baked in a tunnel oven. Flatbreads may also require a proofing or resting period that varies based on the specific flatbread being made.

Can diabetics eat flatbread pizza? ›

To be clear, a person with diabetes can safely have any type of pizza they want on occasion, even if it's not the most “nu*tritious” option.

Why is it called flatbread pizza? ›

What is flatbread pizza? The difference between traditional and flatbread pizza is in the dough. Traditional pizzas are made from dough containing yeast, while flatbread pizza dough does not contain yeast. Instead, it's made with a type of bread known as 'quick bread'- because it does not require time to rise.

What does flatbread taste like? ›

Popular flatbread is a lot like a cross between pita bread and naan. There really is no such thing as an American flatbread, but the flatbread you see everywhere looks, feels, and tastes a lot like pita and naan. For some, it tastes too much like it's baked in a commercial bakery with extra ingredients.

Why is my flatbread pizza soggy? ›

The steam from the base can't escape, so it condenses on your crispy surface and turns it wet and soggy. Use a pizza stone or a pan with holes to get a crispy pizza crust. A pizza stone will keep your pizza hot and its porousness will absorb some condensation.

What is thinnest pizza called? ›

Typically, Neapolitan-style pizza has a soft, thin crust and is baked in a wood-burning oven at between 800 and 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit for 70 to 90 seconds. At this temperature, the crust will bubble up and char, leaving you with a delicious meal.

What do Italians call thin crust pizza? ›

Pizza al taglio (or alla pala) is a pizza cooked in wood-fired ovens on long and narrow pans called peels (pala). The dough of pizza al taglio is thin, crispy, and slightly elastic, with a low and crispy crust. Pizza al taglio is served cut into rectangles or squares and is mainly consumed as street food.

What kind of flatbread does Subway use? ›

“That insight kickstarted the process of revamping Subway's wraps. We spent over a year creating signature recipes with unique ingredients that bring out the best in our new lavash-style flatbread, and also fuel you up without weighing you down.”

Is flatbread pizza healthy for weight loss? ›

Flatout Artisan Thin Pizza Crusts are only 120 calories each, but high in protein and fiber. In fact, Flatout® Flatbread is the official flatbread of Weight Watchers®! Since Flatout has always been BIG on flavor but LOW in carbs and sugar, they've always been the perfect partner.

What else is flatbread called? ›

Flat breads are made throughout most of the world. Examples are pita (from the Middle East), chapati and naan (India), tortilla (Mexico) and focaccia (Italy). The bread may be leavened (have a raising agent of yeast or sourdough) or unleavened.

What's the difference between flatbread and regular bread? ›

Naan is a flatbread, whereas bread comes in loaves. Naan is higher in fat, protein, and carbohydrates than loaf bread. The higher protein content of naan will allow you to feel fuller for longer and curve cravings.

Is bread and pizza dough the same thing? ›

The main dissimilarity between pizza dough and bread dough is the way they are handled. They have different formulas as well, where the amounts of salt, water, and oil vary. They're both consisting of whole wheat flour, white flour, and some are even made into sourdough.

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