Some In Houston Facing No Power For Weeks After Storms Cause Widespread Damage, Killing At Least 4 - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)

Miles Ruder, Associated Press,

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HOUSTON (AP) — Power outages could last weeks in parts of Houston after thunderstorms with hurricane-force winds tore through the city, an official said Friday, knocking out electricity to nearly 1 million homes and businesses.

“We are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top elected official, said at a news conference.

Houston Mayor John Whitmire said four, and possibly five, people were killed after storms Thursday swept through Harris County, which includes Houston. Officials warned residents that it would be a slow cleanup and that some residents should brace to be without electricity for days, if not longer.

“It was fierce, it was intense, it was quick and most Houstonians didn’t have time to get themselves out of harm’s way,” Whitmire said.

He said at least 2,500 traffic lights were out and warned would-be looters that “police are out in force including 50 state troopers sent to the area to prevent looting.”

The widespread destruction brought much of Houston to a standstill as crews raced to restore power and remove uprooted trees and debris. School districts in the Houston area canceled classed for more than 400,000 students and government offices were closed. City officials urged people to stay off roads, many of which were flooded or lined with downed power lines and malfunctioning traffic lights.

Whitmire called downtown “a mess” on Thursday and told people not to go to work Friday, unless they were considered essential workers.

At least two of the deaths were caused by falling trees and another happened when a crane blew over in strong winds, officials said. Whitmire said wind speeds reached 100 mph (160 kph) “with some twisters.” Whitmire said the powerful gusts were reminiscent of 2008’s Hurricane Ike, which pounded the city.

Hundreds of windows were shattered at downtown hotels and office buildings, with glass littering the streets below. Fallen trees, power lines and broken glass have made some areas impassable, the city said. The state was sending Department of Public Safety officers to secure the area.

The storms weren’t over Friday. Gulf Coast states could experience scattered, severe thunderstorms with tornadoes, large hail and damaging winds. Heavy to excessive rainfall is possible for eastern Louisiana into central Alabama, the National Weather Service said. Flood watches and warnings remained Friday for Houston and areas to the east.

The powerful storms also struck neighboring Louisiana on Thursday and left more than 215,000 customers without power at their peak. More than 100,000 Entergy Louisiana customers in the New Orleans area lost power, reported.

The Storm Prediction Center’s website showed a report of a tornado in Convent, Louisiana, about 55 miles (89 kilometers) from New Orleans, with multiple reports of trees and power poles down.

A suspected tornado hit the Romeville area of St. James Parish on Thursday night with some homes impacted and trees down, but no injuries or fatalities had been reported, parish officials said in a social media post on Friday morning.

There were wind gusts of 84 mph (135 kph) at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport and 82 mph (132 kph) at New Orleans Lakefront Airport, according to Tim Erickson, a meteorologist at the weather service’s office for New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

The office for New Orleans and Baton Rouge issued a flash flood warning through Saturday.

Back in Houston, at Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros, the retractable roof was closed due to the storm. But the wind was so powerful it stillblew rain into the stadium. Puddles formed on the outfield warning track, but the game against the Oakland Athletics still was played.

Flights were briefly grounded at Houston’s two major airports. Sustained winds topping 60 mph (96 kph) were recorded at Bush Intercontinental Airport.

The power outage numbers were slowly improving Friday morning, down to about 773,000 in Texas and 97,000 in Louisiana, according to At one point, Texas had more than 900,000 outages.

CenterPoint Energy warned customers in the Houston area to “be prepared for extended weather-related power outages.”

The problems extended to the city’s suburbs, with emergency officials in neighboring Montgomery County describing the damage to transmission lines as “catastrophic” and warning that power could be impacted for several days.

Heavy storms slammed the Houston areaduring the first week of May, leading to numerous high-water rescues, including some from the rooftops of flooded homes.

Some In Houston Facing No Power For Weeks After Storms Cause Widespread Damage, Killing At Least 4 - WCCB Charlotte's CW (2024)


What are many things that can cause a power outage such as a storm? ›

Hurricanes, floods, wind storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other severe weather can completely destroy critical power infrastructure and result in outages that leave expansive geographic regions without power for days, weeks, and even months.

Why do houses lose power during storms? ›

Utility poles, wires, transformers and other electrical equipment are easy targets for lightning strikes, causing severe damage and loss of power. Lightning also frequently strikes trees causing tree limbs or even large trees to fall onto utility lines.

Why does the power go out so often in Texas? ›

Climate Extremes: Texas is a land of climatic dichotomies. From freezing winter storms that paralyze power plants to scorching summer days that overload the grid, the state grapples with both ends of the meteorological spectrum.

What is the most likely cause of a power outage? ›

Distribution failures ― By far the most common source of outages, distribution failures are sparked by a wide variety of issues, from routine storms to wayward Mylar balloons becoming entangled in power lines to mischievous squirrels foraging for a new home inside substation equipment.

What causes electricity to go out during a storm? ›

Why does power go out in a thunderstorm? It's a combination of lightning in the thunderstorm hitting parts of the power system and thunderstorms producing a lot of wind. This wind not only damages the system directly but blows things like trees, tree limbs and occasionly other things into the wires.

Can a house be damaged in a storm? ›

Storm-damaged buildings can be unstable and flooded floors and structural components may be soft and unsafe. Damaged drywall can fall without warning, and water-damaged electrical systems often have shorts or other problems. Before entering the property, ensure that it is safe to do so.

How long does it take for power to come back on after a thunderstorm? ›

A downed power line can take as little as 2-3 hours for a crew to get out and fix them, but when the storm is bigger, you can expect the power to stay out for days, or sometimes even weeks. The extent of the damage and the efficiency of your local area's electric crew will make a big difference.

How to prepare for rolling blackouts? ›

Here's how to prepare your home: Emergency blackout kit: Just like keeping your freezer stocked, keep a well-stocked emergency blackout kit with essentials such as flashlights, extra batteries, a battery-powered radio, a first aid kit, non-perishable food, bottled water, and a manual can opener.

What state has the most power outages a year? ›

As mentioned earlier, Louisiana is a hurricane and tornado-prone state. This may be why Louisiana has the longest average annual power outages of any state, with an annual average of more than a full day without power (24 hours and 54 minutes), which is four times the national average of 6 hours.

How many people died in the Texas power grid? ›

More than 4.5 million homes and businesses were left without power, some for several days. At least 246 people were killed directly or indirectly, with some estimates as high as 702 killed as a result of the crisis.

Why is Texas power grid so unstable? ›

ERCOT's order eventually exposed a devastating loophole: Natural gas production relies on electricity, and electricity relies on natural gas production. Subsequently, the faulty measures have made Texas vulnerable not only to cold weather but also to hot conditions.

What causes the power to go out? ›

However, the three most common causes are natural causes, human error, and overload. Basically, any interruption between power generation and the supply of electricity to homes can cause a power outage. It can stem from inclement weather conditions, human error, equipment failure, and even animal interference.

How do storms lose power? ›

But storms can break poles, break trees, and break power lines. and this causes outages, which have to wait until power companies can repair them.

What kind of disaster is a power outage? ›

Power outages can occur from a variety of situations, such as natural disasters (e.g.,flooding, ice storms) or from overwhelmed power systems during extreme heat situations. Power outages can last for prolonged periods of time and present unique challenges for agricultural communities.

What animal causes the most power outages? ›

Squirrels. Responsible for the greatest number of substation outages across the U.S., squirrels enter substations in search of shelter and warmth—and possess the instinct to remember the best nesting sites.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.