Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (2024)

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This homemade crunchy peanut butter recipe is made in a food processor and turns salted peanuts to peanut butter in less than 10 minutes!

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (5)

Have you ever made your own nut butters?! So fun and SO delicious! It’s so easy to do in a big food processor. This homemade crunchy peanut butter was so easy to make, and the flavor options are endless!

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (6)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter Recipe

Start with 4 cups of dry roasted unsalted peanuts. I found these at the Whole Foods bulk bins labeled “peanut butter stock.” How cute.

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (7)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (8)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (9)

7 minutes to a nut butter that smells just like a warm PB&J sandwich.

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (10)

If you like it creamy, you can add some salt and stop here.

But I am a crunch-a-holic so I kept going.

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (11)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (12)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (13)

= Perfectly classic in every way

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (14)

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (15)

Lunch today obviously involved the newly minted PB – had to test it out! No better way than PB&J

Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (16)

Use it in this recipe: No Bake Granola Bars with Peanut Butter {from Anne}!

Classic Crunchy Peanut Butter

I absolutely love my food processor [a wedding gift from Karen!] and have made everything from pimento cheese to bread crumbs to the latest – nut butters.

Course Snacks

Cuisine American

Prep Time 8 minutes minutes

Total Time 8 minutes minutes

Servings 2 jars

Author Kath Younger


  • 4 cups of dry roasted unsalted peanuts.
  • 1 cup of dry roasted unsalted peanuts optional
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp kosher salt


  • Add peanuts to your food processor and process for 7 minutes.

  • If you like it creamy, you can add some salt and stop here.

  • But I am a crunch-a-holic so I kept going.

  • Add 1 cup peanuts, 1 tsp vanilla extract, and 1 tsp kosher salt.

  • Stir to combine.

More Nut Butter Recipes

Reader Interactions

Previous Post
Toasted Coconut


  1. Eliz@The Sweet Life says

    WOW–this looks absolutely amazing! Hard to believe you can do it without any oil. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Stacey @ The Habit of Healthy says

    Wow, what a fab giveaway. I'm assumung it's only for American readers?


  3. J3nn (Jenn's Menu) says

    Excellent giveaway, Kath! I'm going to signup for your newsletter now. I love ALL Cuisinart products! They've been a big part of cooking since I can remember. My parents loved theirs; they had 3, I believe.

    YUMMY @ homemade nut butter. That's on my 2011 to-do list.

    Your lunch looks delish, too!! 🙂


  4. Laura says

    Yum! I don't think I'll ever get sick of PB.

    I hate cleaning under furniture! I have wood floors and a dog that sheds so there are always tumbleweeds of fur gathering under my couch. ugh.


  5. Jordan says

    oh.my.goodness. I just called my mom this morning and told her I want a food processor for my birthday because I have been wanting to make homemade almond butter. What a serendipitous occurence 🙂


  6. Cate says

    What an awesome giveaway! I've been putting off and putting off buying a Cuisinart food processor because they're so expensive…but I wish I had one so I could be more adventurous in the kitchen.


  7. the blissful baker says

    Homemad peanut butter is the best! I think I'll make some today 🙂 I totally love my food processor too, but definitely wouldn't mind winning another!


  8. withasideofhope says

    This is an amazing giveaway! I could definitely use a Cuisinart Food Processor! I have never owned one before and I think it would make baking and cooking so much easier but they are way out of my price range. Plus, I would love to try your homemade peanut butter! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!! 🙂


  9. Megan says

    Wow…it just seems strange to me to let a food processor run so long! You can tell that means I haven't made anything "complicated" since the longest I've ever let mine run is about a minute. Sure would like a nicer one though 🙂


  10. Donna Porter says

    I already subscribe~SCORE!! I really want to win this one 🙂 I have a vitamix, which does make peanut butter..BUT it's so not the same! I want an awesome food processer to make MORE MORE MORE! The vitamix is such a pain to use and clean! PICK ME 🙂


  11. hergreenlife says

    What a fun giveaway idea! How does this food processor do with the shredder blade, like to feed stuff though the chute? I've never had one where that worked well.


  12. a taste of health with balance says

    wohoo i'm already entered! PB looks delicious!! When you need a chocolate + PB fix you know exactly what to do 😉


  13. Heather (Heather's Dish) says

    i was just dreaming about a warm PB&J a few minutes ago…how did you know?! 🙂 i’m totally making nut butter tonight!


  14. Lisa says

    Oooh, looks delish! I have been researching/pricing food processors. I already subscribe, so thank you!!!


  15. Fallon says

    I recently just moved and had to keep my food processor at my parents. I really hope I'm lucky with this giveaway. I miss making homemade nut butters and hummus. Once I get a food processor, I can't wait to make this peanut butter.


  16. Angie @ Musings VM says

    Homemade peanut butter is delicious, but I have never tried "crunchy"… yum!

    Cuisinart is the BEST brand… love 'em.



  17. Christine @WTFD says

    Hey Kath! When you buy bulk items at WF, can you recycle the plastic bag after? Or do you know if it's possible somehow to use your own reusable bag?

    Also, I'm curious appx how much honey you put on your salad. I'm trying to learn to eat salads without tons of Blue Cheese dressing and finding it very difficult!!!


    • Nicole says

      I'm pretty sure the bags are recyclable, but it may depend on what your recycling center takes. I'm lucky that mine takes everything and doesn't require presorting.

      I saw someone at WF this past week with her own reusable plastic container in the bulk area. She said she has them weigh her container when she arrives at the store, then they deduct the weight when she checks out.


    • Angie @ Musings VM says

      I was tired of using all the plastic for produce and bulk items, and invested in these…

      They add a *negligible* .001 of an ounce or something like that to my purchases, and work great. They ARE a fine mesh, so I wouldn't use them for millet, quinoa, nooch or flours, but for most things, they work great. (And are machine washable!).



    • Aimee says

      we use these for produce & bulk bin items. the added weight is pretty negligible, love supporting a family business and get tons of compliments in the checkout line! wins all around.



    • Jessica says

      My WF has paper bags as well, which I normally use instead of the plastic.

      At our grocery co-op they have a register scale with the bulk items (and stickers and pens) so you can get the tare weight and stick it right on your reusable container.



  18. cleaneatingchelsey says

    I hope I win I hope I win I hope I winnnnn!! I've wanted a new food processor for well, about 2 years. I have a mini one, but no big dog!


  19. Allie@LiveLaughEat says

    Is there a difference between stopping at 4-5 minutes and going to 7 and then adding more nuts?
    …not that I have a food processor (although that might change Friday!!)


  20. AllieNic says

    I only have two words: WOW and YUM!! I think I might have to eat a spoonful of PB right now!


  21. Sarena says

    I love making my own nut butters and I always use my cuisinart processor! Love it! I highly recommend getting a roomba! I love mine and it gets under my furniture!


  22. whatkateiscooking says

    I would love a new food processor! Mine is tiny and weak, so I've never made my own nut butters.


  23. Nicole says

    Ugh, I just bought more PB this weekend- I always forget about making it myself! Crunchy is definitely the way to go.

    I vacuumed behind the fridge recently to remove a bear-sized dust bunny, and I too found a magnet! LOL. I also recently had a repairman in to fix our oven…there was some SCARY stuff under there from previous owners!


    • Christine @WTFD says

      How do you vacuum behind the fridge? Do you pull it out from the wall? I'm *terrified* of what I might find.


  24. cam says

    you can take your own bag to WF and they will tare out the weight for you so that you don't pay for the bag.


  25. K.J. says

    Hi Kath, I've been following your blog for a while, but this is my first time commenting! The peanut butter looks amazing! Would you recommend the same process for other nut butters as well? I'm dying to try to make my own almond butter, but have found so many conflicting suggestions on google. Thanks!!


  26. sarabshea says

    Do you think this is more cost effective than buying? Just wondering if in addition to all the great things about having fresh, homemade peanut butter it would also be a money saver…


  27. Sharelle says

    great giveaway! i have my fingers crossed 🙂
    i am a huge nut butter fan. i am really excited to try making my own sometime!! i literally go through a jar a week….it would save me lots of $$$

    – sharelle


  28. Laura @ S2theT says

    Stellar give-a-way! I'm now a KERF-Open Sky follower. I have needed a new food processor for quite sometime. I am often surprised the motor doesn't burn out while just making hummus! 🙂


  29. Karen says

    Your peanut butter looks amazing! And I just signed up for your newsletter this weekend…perfect timing!


  30. Emily@OneSweetVegan says

    "This post is brought to you by the magnetic letter 5, which was found under the fridge"–that made me chuckle out loud.
    I'm absolutely going to try your peanut butter recipe!! Getting some "peanut butter stock" the next time I'm at WF.


  31. shortystylee says

    I just got a food processor a couple months ago and I am definitely going to try this. You probably go through yours rather quickly, but about how long does the peanut butter last? I have a much smaller food processor though, so I'll probably take about three times as long as you did 🙂



  32. val says

    i have been holding out to purchase this very model of food processor…so this is awesome. i would especially love to try that peanut butter–if not only to keep that cute jar afterward:)


  33. Kelly says

    I NEED to do this with the huge bag of almonds my MIL gave me for Christmas. I would love to win the food processor to give away as a gift. 🙂


  34. Anne@butterandbear says

    Thanks for the tutorial! I always buy my peanut butter freshly ground from Whole Foods, but this looks like a much cheaper way to get the same great taste!


  35. mary says

    OHHHHHHHH! I love this new commenting system!! I was looking into switching to intense debate a while back, but some how forgot about it… May need to check it out again. I love how anyone can reply to anyone.


  36. purplebirdblog says

    AHHHHHH magical peanut butter goodness!!!!!! I want to win SO bad… I only have a 4 cup processor that you have to hold the button down on to get it to work!! Making nut butter can be done but is kind of a pain! What a giveaway!!!


  37. Edward says

    I've been wanting a food processor, I also can't wait to try making peanut butter (although that may be a while, I just bought two jars last week) 🙁 That said, one of the jars has added maple syrup…now THAT is something I want to try with homemade peanut butter!


  38. Mary says

    OMG perfect!!!!! I've been needing an actual food processor! This Magic Bullet just ins't cuttin it. 😛


  39. Jenna says

    That PB looks awesome! Do you have to roast the nuts or anything before cooking? I know with almond butter it's sometimes easier…


  40. Stacy says

    I was practicing at home just yesterday and was frightening by a pile of dust I spied under our bed!


  41. jescheitlin says

    This is a great giveaway since I burned up the last food processor making your pumpkin spice almond butter. Like it was MEANT to be!


  42. Stephanie says

    I've been dying to make more nut butters! Made some for Christmas, which in turn caused my blender/food processor to melt. Currently using a hand blender to make soups, but can't make my salsas, hummus or flours anymore 🙁


  43. Stacie says

    If I win that food processor, I will be SO happy! I've wanted one forever, but we've just never had the money for a good one so I just keep waiting! I have my fingers crossed!!


  44. brightbakes says

    I really need to make nut butter again…thanks for the inspiration…Although from the looks of things I think it could be a bit dangerous to be alone with that peanut butter!
    cathy b.


  45. Shannon says

    I really need to try making some PB! Looks fantastic! As for under the furniture…I have 3 cats and a dog…NIGHTMARE under there! 😀


  46. Natalia says

    "Stick to the roof of your mouth" is the selling factor for ANY nut butter in my opinion. Feel free to send any…unworthy? samples my way 😉


  47. Courtney says

    I could die happy if I win this food processor! Right now all I have is the mini 3 cup on its last leg, and I have already killed a previous one of that size making homemade nut butter. But it is worth it for that fresh delicious taste!!!


  48. Lyn says

    I broke our food processor last week and then my husband fixed it. A spare would be great since I'm not sure how long ours will last.


  49. Ann @ Day by Day says

    I love the minute by minute guide of the making of the peanut butter! That peanut butter is really making my mouth water right now. I've only made almond butter, but I really need to make peanut butter!


  50. Anna says

    This looks like PERFECT nut butter!!! I can only imagine how much texture it must have with all of those whole peanuts!


  51. Bev says

    It would be so exciting to have a food processor. I've never had one. I enjoy trying new recipes. Your blog is so interesting.


  52. Sarah says

    I just made peanut butter in my cuisinart food processor the other day- what a coincidense!! Yum!


  53. foodandfarm says

    Holy peanut butter that looks good. My kamart brand processor is working fine, but I would love a new one!


  54. Katelyn @ Chef Katelyn says

    I love it when it sticks to the roof of your mouth:) I just made raw almond butter a few days ago and NOTHING is like fresh nut butter!


  55. Sahira says

    yum ! the pb looks AMAZING !

    I have been dreaming of a Food Processor for the longest time! I think it would be wonderful to have one in college to help with cost of foods and such! Homemade hummus too! So glad that I subscribed to your KERF newsletter the other day !

    : )


  56. Katherine says

    Can you clarify what we're signing up for? I'd be happy to get a newsletter from YOU but I'm not sure what Open Sky is. Am I going to get a bunch of advertisem*nts and solicitations from anyone other than you?


  57. Alison says

    Right after I read this post, I went and ate a big scoop of chunky pb! Although, mine wasn’t home-made 🙁 I have been saving up for this exact food processor! Can’t wait until I can make my own nut butters!


  58. Sarah says

    My mom would have a heart attack if I won a new food processor for her. But I'd give it to her anyway. All of our appliances are like the air conditioner from the Brave Little Toaster. Their motors are whirring on borrowed time.


  59. lisafischoff says

    I LOVE my food processor I have the same one and make nut butters all the time including homemade nutella (yum!) but my mom's food processor just broke (it was 30 years old!) so I'm entering this for her!


  60. alana (at) the food says

    i've tried making nut butters in my cuisinart food processor, but it never seems to get as smooth as some other bloggers seem to get it….
    maybe mine doesn't have as powerful a motor or something?


  61. Melissa says

    I already follow you on Open Sky! My food processor has a chute out the side that seems to spew stuff everywhere when I use it, I want a new one so badly


  62. allieksmith says

    Your PB looks amazing! I love how you found the 5 under your fridge?! Crazy haha! Have a nice evening 🙂


  63. Sally says

    Hey Kath, love your blog!! There is just one thing I don't like about the new comment format and that is I can't easily see your response to comments. I usually just scroll down to see a comment from you and then read those comments. I guess it's just going to take time to get used to it.


    • KathEats says

      I AGREE!!! I'm still working on all of this stuff. I can't get it to work right on my phone either, which is super important…


    • Susan says

      I use Firefox and it shows responses without having to click on anything. When I was at work using IE, I had to click to see responses.


  64. Jess says

    I am way to scared to look under my furniture. There are probably about 50 balled up peices of tin foil because those are our cats favorite toy to bat around and lose


  65. Christine says

    Silly, Kath, 5 is not a letter! 😛

    Cool — I’m entered in a giveaway and I didn’t even know it!


  66. Jenny (Fit Girl Foodie) says

    Those nut butters look amazing! I’ve made almond butter and peanut butter in the ninja and it came out tasty but I bet it’ll be even better in a food processor 🙂


  67. Carolynn says

    I love your blog! Been following for a few weeks now and it is the first sight I visit every morning while I eat my toast with peanut Butter:-) I have been using the Adams all natural crunchy with no hydrogenated oils from Costco but you have inspired me to make my own nut butter! Thank you for all the lovely photos of your meals…my hubby thinks I am a little nuts staring at food photos:-)


  68. Casey says

    I will be making peanut butter in my future! Kath, do you store it in the fridge or just in the pantry? Hope I win!


  69. Vanessa says

    I’m in dire need of a food processor upgrade!! Mine is a hand me down. Let’s just say it’s way past its prime!!!! I love homemade nut butters!!


  70. Kate says

    Kath, did you add any oil or anything? I just tried this with some leftover peanuts that have been hanging out in my pantry and I ended up with a big, dough-like blob of peanuts that wouldn’t break down any further. It just stuck to the bottom and sides of the food processor. How DID I mess is up?!


  71. Sophie says

    Yummm! I don’t have a food processor… Wonder if it would be too hard on a blender? Probably a bad idea.


  72. Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) says

    The peanut butter looks incredible. I would go bonkers for warm, salted, chunky pb like that…I’m drooling. 😀


  73. Stacey (The Home-Cooked Vegan) says

    Oh man, it looks like you have died and gone to peanut butter heaven 🙂 Must get a food processor so I can join you, haha!


  74. lauren @ spiced plate says

    holy moly, this would be awesome. I miss my food processor — it got purged during the “big move” of last year, in which my husband and I and our 2 cats moved into a 10 x 10 foot cabin for six months to farm…lots of things are “missing”.
    I like making almond butter in the processor…so delicious too!


  75. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says

    you’re back on wordpress comments. assuming that intense debate wasn’t cutting the mustard. i could tell you some stories from the past 18 mos with my blog…oh boy… 🙂

    i am signed up and would love to enter!


    • Kath says

      Yeah…wasn’t cutting the mustard. Single most annoying thing was email responding to comments was not working from my phone – when I need them most!!

      Also was a bit confusing and you couldn’t see my comments to comments. I have since made them green for easier seeing!


  76. Jen says

    Just think of the trouble that could be gotten into – I’m in hazelnut country…home made Nutella! Er, uh, I mean almond butter and processed veggies of course. 🙂 I’m crossing my fingers!


  77. Allison @ Happy Tales says

    What a great give away! How long do you have to roast the peanuts for? And how long will the nutbutter last?


  78. Meagan says

    What a coincidence! I am soaking some peanuts now so I can make pbutter tomorrow. I soak them, roast them then whizz them up!


  79. Krissy @ Make It Naked says

    Huge fan of making nut butters. Just posted a coconut cashew butter but need to make CRUNCHY stat! Your comments now match your dish towel that’s pictured. And I think you used the word “minted”. You totally planned that, right?


  80. Holly @ couchpotatoathlete says

    I need a food processor so badly!!! I don’t think my magic bullet would last if I tried making nut butter in it 🙂

    I am a follower


  81. Tara says

    Why did my comment get deleted? I was just saying thanks for the kitchen inspiration. I wonder if it was deleted by accident. Anyway, thanks for the kitchen inspiration. I spent all day cleaning (at 37 weeks pregnant!!!). The kitchen is GUTTED. Counters totally clear. I just have a few cabinets left. I don’t know if you saw the previous post, but I was saying I am cleaning as you post. So I have until tomorrow (?) to finish the kitchen before I move on to what you have next. A good nesting plan, I think. Except I am gonna be working so hard I could go into labor! 😉


    • KathEats says

      Sorry Tara! I’ve been messing with comment systems today. I hope it wasn’t by accident.


  82. Liz @ Tip Top Shape says

    omg, that peanut butter looks amazing!!! I’ve always wanted to make my own but don’t think my blender would cut it…

    Off to sign up for the newsletter!


  83. Hannah says

    Thank you so much for the minute-by-minute photo tutorial! I’ve always stopped when the nut butter is still really chucnky… I didn’t know it was even possible to get to that liquid stage with a home food processory!


  84. Jill Will Run says

    I’m already subscribed to your OpenSky newsletter… so hopefully I win this because just when I decided I should try to make my own nut butter, my food processor totally died. (Seriously, last week it croaked… after I put a bunch of nuts in it and was set to whir away. Sad…)


  85. Jackie @ Seejacrun says

    I have never tried to make peanut butter before, but those pictures definitely make me want to go to the kitchen right now and make some at 1 am 🙂


  86. Anna says

    peanut butter, yum!!! When I finally have the extra money to get the food processor I want, original crunchy peanut will DEFINITELY be my first nut butter I make, and then endless combinations!!


  87. Juliette says

    Hi Kath! Think if I swapped soy nuts for peanuts (for allergy reasons) I’d get the same effect?


    • KathEats says

      I’ve never heard of making soy nut butter, but then again, it makes sense. Give it a whirl!


  88. Amanda says

    That looks soo good! Thanks for showing a how to, Im going to have to try to make my own soon!


  89. Meg says

    That peanut butter looks SOOO good! YUMMO!
    I made a cannellini bean and cashew nut dip this week and you popped into my head! I miss c’ville!!


  90. LauraJayne says

    This post inspired me to eat peanut butter – store bought, but the all-natural kind, so I had to stir it… that makes it kinda like homemade, right? =) Great recipe and AWESOME giveaway!


  91. Rachel says

    You silly girl, 5 is a number, not a letter! I’m so excited to try for the processor!! Thanks for hanging out with me everyday, even though you may not know about it! Love to read your words1


  92. Angelalovesfood says

    I need to make peanut butter, I am debating on getting a food processor to make my own PB and Coconut Butters. Even though it’d be cheaper to just buy the jars rather than buy a processor. But it would be a great investment!


  93. Jillian says

    You started out with 4 cups of peanuts. How much of the final product did you end up with? I’m interested in the ratio or starting product to end yumminess. Thanks!


  94. Allison says

    I just have to say that I just made this tonight – it. was. AWESOME! I got an entire pint plus nearly a half pint of the stuff.
    I used Spanish peanuts, as I didn’t find dry roasted unsalted at my local market (woo hoo, Sprouts!). The only thing I didn’t care for was the taking off of the skins (wasn’t sure how those would work). I also was able to use my homemade vanilla extract, which smelled divine.
    You noted that you store it in the pantry – how come? I’ve always stored PB in the fridge (my family always bought Adams brand – only peanuts and salt), so that’s where I just put it. Will it be OK in the pantry? Even when the jars are half empty (which I forsee will happen on Thursday)?
    Thanks for this – it was amazing, and I was so excited to finally empty out the jar of store-bought so I could make it! This is definitely a repeat!


    • KathEats says

      I don’t think peanut butter is required to be refrigerated for microbial growth reasons – I think it’s more about keeping the oils emulsified. I didn’t have a problem with oil separation in mine, so I didn’t chill it.


      • Allison says

        Thank you! I appreciate the clarification – it will make spreading it on toast easier 🙂
        I linked this page on my blog entry last night – I was so excited!


  95. Molly says

    I just made this peanut butter, on National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day no less, with honey roasted peanuts! My life has forever been changed-jarred peanut butter pales in comparison! Thanks for sharing this and all of your other recipes and life updates! Your healthy lifestyle motivates me to keep going on my healthy eating and exercise New Years Resolutions!


  96. Anita says

    Kath, do you refrigerate your peanut butter? I made the honey crunch PB using your TJ recipe. It’s great. I doubt it will be around much longer. Sweet, gritty, salty and crunchy, what else can anyone hope for. Also, your hard boiled eggs look perfect in today’s salad. How do you make them? No Great Harvest breads around here. We’ve been missing out. Thanks for everything. Be well. You’re an inspiration to clean living and to eating at home, every meal. I find eating out disappointing these days, and, expensive.


    • KathEats says

      I don’t refrigerate it! Room temp keeps it drippy.

      My eggs are put in cold water, brought to a boil, immediately removed from heat and covered for 13 minutes


  97. Maria Carolina says

    My mom got her food processor for her wedding 20 years ago and it still works like a charm! Ah, the good old days when producers cared more about making good quality products than stealing consumer’s money.


  98. Chrissy says

    Hey this looks fabulous! I was wondering if you know the nutritional details on this peanut butter? Do you mind sending them to me via email too 🙂


  99. p*rnsri Sae-Ung says

    Great Gorgeous Recipe!
    Thankk youu very much for showing.
    It can become creamy without adding anything. Wonderful.

    Btw, wondered if I would ever reach a comment box as the comments run so long down the page.


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hi! Im Kath.

I'm a Registered Dietitian, healthy eater, and mom of two from Charlottesville, Virginia. Here you’ll find a healthy mix of real-life meals made from whole ingredients balanced with the pleasures of life, including buttercream frosting and good wine. Plus a sprinkle of nutrition, home life, beauty, parenting, and travel.
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Homemade Crunchy Peanut Butter (2024)


What makes peanut butter crunchy? ›

So, since there are no additional ingredients, what creates the little extra crunch in our crunchy peanut butter? To turn our smooth peanut butter into crunchy peanut butter, we add in chunks of real crushed peanuts to give the nut butter some extra texture.

What is the difference between smooth and crunchy vs crispy peanut butter? ›

But when health is concerned, there is only a slight difference between crunchy and creamy peanut butter. Creamy peanut butter contains slightly more protein than crunchy peanut butter, which contains more folate and fiber, which aids in bowel health.

Why is my homemade peanut butter not creamy? ›

If your homemade peanut butter is not creamy, it is likely due to not blending the peanuts long enough. Try blending for a few more minutes or adding a small amount of oil to help make it creamier.

Is it cheaper to make your own peanut butter? ›

And it's also a lot cheaper than store brands. You will love the texture. If you want it thick put it in the fridge. If you like it soft and runny keep it out.

How long does homemade peanut butter last? ›

How long does homemade peanut butter last? Homemade peanut butter lasts for up to 2 months stored at room temperature, and 6 months when stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

Why is my homemade peanut butter hard? ›

Since oil and water don't mix, and peanut butter has a high oil content, there isn't much room in the mixture left over for water, explains Live Science. This can lead to naturally dry peanut butter, drying out more quickly due to its limited water content.

How does the process of making crunchy peanut butter differ from creamy? ›

In crunchy peanut butter, some coarsely-ground peanut fragments are included to give extra texture. Sometimes the texture is emphasized in marketing with words like “Super Chunk” or “Extra Crunchy”. The peanuts in smooth peanut butter are ground uniformly, creating a hom*ogenous spread like butter.

Why is crunchy peanut butter better? ›

As long as you are choosing a peanut butter that's all natural and pesticide free, in addition to being free from added salt or sugar, any peanut butter will be a healthy choice. However, crunchy peanut butter has a little more fiber and less saturated fat, making it overall more nutritious, even if only slightly so.

Does Jif make crunchy peanut butter? ›

Dippable, packable, snackable! Dip into the delicious taste of Jif® Peanut Butter — with an added crunch — and take these to-go cups practically anywhere to enjoy with your favorite snacks.

Which is healthier, crunchy peanut butter or creamy? ›

The short answer: Yes, but not enough that it should really impact your buying decision. Creamy peanut butter has a touch more protein, but crunchy PB has more folate and fiber, a nutrient that helps maintain bowel health. At the end of the day, though, their nutrient profiles are pretty darn close.

Can you substitute creamy peanut butter for crunchy peanut butter? ›

If you don't have crunchy peanut butter, you can use regular creamy peanut butter instead.

Is it better to make peanut butter in a blender or food processor? ›

Using a Blender to Make Peanut Butter:

It will certainly be just as delicious if you use a food processor to make it, but it won't get quite as smooth. What is this? Stage 1 – Dry roasted peanuts and salt ready to blend. Stage 2 – Peanuts are beginning to break down into a paste.

How to make homemade peanut butter thicker? ›

Stir the peanut butter continuously for a couple of minutes until it becomes creamy and then keep it refrigerated. If still not thickened, grind some more peanuts and add to the peanut butter and mix till both, butter and peanuts, nicely blends with each other and then refrigerate. Keep it in refrigerator only.

Should I roast my peanuts before making peanut butter? ›

It's best to start with raw or roasted peanuts. Even if you buy the roasted option, we recommend re-roasting them in the oven to help bring out the flavor. Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Using a square or round cake pan, roast the nuts in the oven for 3 minutes.

What causes peanut butter to harden? ›

Peanut butter usually does not contain any added oils, all the fats present in peanut butter is from the natural oils from peanuts. Your peanut butter might be dry due to cold climatic conditions or refrigeration. The fats present solidify making the peanut butter dry.

Is there a difference between crunchy and chunky peanut butter? ›

According to Wikipedia (feel free to take with a grain of salt — like in your favorite peanut butter), here lies the distinction: The two main types of peanut butter are crunchy (or chunky) and smooth (or creamy). In crunchy peanut butter, some coarsely-ground peanut fragments are included to give extra texture.

How do you increase the texture of peanut butter? ›

Add a little coconut oil to the blender and you're peanut butter will have a more creamy texture.

Why isn t my peanut brittle crunchy? ›

The main reason why peanut brittle doesn't get hard and have the crunch we expect is because the sugar was not cooked long enough. The sugar needs to be cooked to what is called the hard crack stage, 300ºF.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.